Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Sophie's Pov
There's a lot of things that could go wrong when Keefe asks you to help in with something. The outcome is usually something leading to mischief and trouble l. oh well. "Yeah?"
"Can we throw one of Biana's t-shirts up in the air and whoever two ppl it lands on has to go in the closet?"
"That's defiantly a bit different from the game, are you sure? Why do you want to do that?" I was very confused. I never knew what to expect with him.
"I want you to use your telekinesis and make the shirt fall on you and I. Make Fitz throw it. He's going to get mad that we have to make out for 7 minutes. Biana's not going to be happy either." Keefe explained.
"Oh dear, why not. But i am not making out with you Sencen," eww there was no way.
"You don't have to, make it seem like it."
"Are you guys coming?!" Biana and Fitz shouted.
"Yep!" We said and went inside the room and I carefully closed the door.

(Italics is Sophie and Bold is Fitz)

What were you and Keefe talking about?

Nothing. He asked me what I got for his birthday and I told him I wasn't telling him until he opened it tomorrow when everyone's up. Well i guess it is tomorrow.


Keefe explained the new rules and everyone reluctantly agreed. I gave Fitz Biana's shirt and he threw it. It landed on Keefe. Biana looked hopeful. Ugh i'm so sorry guys i don't want to do this either. I thought to myself. Fitz threw it again and right before it landed on Biana i made it land on me.
"You guys aren't going in the closet together" Fitz said strongly, it kind of scared me.
"Rules are rules..." Biana said looking at the ground.
Keefe and I went in the closet and starting "making out" or faking it. 2 minutes passed and apparently my over protective boyfriend had enough of it. he opened the door, stared at us, and started laughing. "I knew you guys wouldn't"
Keefe and Biana slept together on one side of the room, while Fitz and I slept on the other side of the room. The room didn't have a bed so we slept on the floor with blankets and pillows.

"Goodnight guys," Fitz said with his accented voice. It was nice hearing it. I smiled at Fitz and we got into a comfortable position and I must have been tired. I... fell... asle-

Fitz's Pov
I laid there with Sophie. She was much smaller than me and we kinda fit perfectly. I was so happy. I smoothed her long blonde hair and she fell asleep. I also went to bed.
*1 hour later*
"Oh my gosh can you guys plz go to bed!" I said in a loud whisper. Biana and Keefe has been saying extremely cringe pick up lines and kissing each other.
"Fine." They said. First words they've said in a while. It was a dreamless night. Warm, comfortable, and happy...

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