Day 2

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Mira POV

Today I woke up at 6:30 am to start making everyone breakfast and to discuss plans for today. I told them to be awake by 7:30 am or else.

No one else is awake yet, or so I thought that was when Laxus walked in the room and made some coffee. The time was currently 7 am and breakfast was almost ready so I texted the others, but mostly the girls because they are more responsible with things like this.

Lucy POV

I woke up with Natsu hugging my waist, and I got a text from Mira that breakfast was almost ready. Now time to figure out how to wake Natsu up. I just Lucy kicked him out of the bed. " AW Lucy what the hell was that for?!" Mira texted me that Breakfast was almost ready and just like that he was already out the door down the hall to Mira's.

Natsu POV (running down the hall)

Food food food food Food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food.

Levys POV

I woke up at around 7:15 and I guess Gajeel was already awake because he wasn't in bed. Except I couldn't find him so I started looking then I knocked on the bathroom door. Mm I guess he's getting ready.

*Time skip to breakfast sponsored by Shizuo screaming IZAYA*

Mira POV

As soon as everyone arrived at my hotel room I served breakfast and started discussing plans to go to the fair that was taking place around here. But my real plan was to get my ships together.

*at the fair*

Wendy POV

We were paired off and then we went on our own and we had to be back by 10:30pm. Me and Romeo we're partnered together we headed off to the games first. I noticed a game that required using magic and we went over to check it out. The game was: if you can get your magic energy level to a certain point on the scale then you win a prize.

I went first and got a high score. Then Romeo went and he got a score that was only 100 points under mine. We both got prizes then we went on rollercoasters, which I'm still scared of, then it was around 8:30pm when went went on the Ferris wheel. We got on and the operator sent us up. The Ferris wheel was fun until the Ferris wheel stopped.

Romeo POV

Uh oh

The Ferris wheel stopped. Also I'm stuck up here with a girl and that girl just so happen to be Wendy. The announcement came on that it would be at least an hour until we could get repairs. So we're stuck up here until then.

Wendy POV

Me and Romeo sat there in an awkward silence for quite a while but then we started opening up to each other and talking. It was actually pretty fun at one point we were even holding each others hands.

Juvia POV (earlier that day)

At the start of the day we went to a fair in town and I got paired with my Gray-sama. He looked a little annoyed by it but I brushed it off.

We went to the tilt a whirl first but we had to wait in such a long line but I was okay with that as long as I had Grays company. After the tilt a whirl we went on a big rollercoaster and it was exiting, scary but exciting. Then we got lunch and sat down and talked for a while it was like a date.

Gray POV

Honestly when I got paired with Juvia I thought the day was gonna be a total bust. But when she's not all stalkery she's pretty damn okay.

Erza POV

Me and Jellal mostly tried different food places and looked at all the attractions I must say it was fun. We were finally down being awkward with each other and we were becoming best friends again.

Natsu POV (on a roller coaster)

This is hell. I feel like I'm gonna hurl. " oh Natsu the ride will be over in just a minute or two." Says Lucy. I was glad I got partnered up with her because she makes me feel some what okay when I have motion sickness. After the hell i mean roller coaster was over me and Luce mostly played games and got more food.

Mira POV

Most of ships are having fun and coming together. Now I think it's time to get them out of the friend zone. But since I'm hanging out with Laxus I'll work on Jerza tomorrow.

Gajeel POV

Me and shrimp were limited to attractions like a petting zoo due to motion sickness

I don't get what the big deal is about petting zoos I mean it's just a bunch of animals. But Levy seemed to be enjoying herself so I won't complain.


Later that night they all went back to the hotel to get some rest because tomorrow they had a big day. They were going shopping.

Here's the chapter I hope you enjoy. Also I finished reading the last chapter of Fairy tail and I feel like crying now so BYE

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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