1:43 pm, 23rd December 1994

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It was icy on the streets of Lower Manhattan. Winter was in full effect—every square inch was covered in a blanket of white. The trees that lined the streets were strung with fairy lights, yet to be turned on due to the sun being high in the sky.

"Excuse me, sir, where might I find Liberty House Nursing Home?"

"What am I, a street directory?" a young man replied turning away from Aether.

Aether stood baffled and then noticed a tug on the shoulder of his jacket. An elderly woman stood with a giant grin plastered on her face, but kindness in her eyes.

"You look lost love," she said up at him.

"Yes, I'm looking for a nursing home in Jersey City."

"Take the subway from the Trade Center station to Jersey. It's only a few streets from there."

"Oh...Thank you, mam," Aether returned with a contagious grin.

He made his way from Lower Manhattan to Jersey City just as the woman had explained, and found himself at the front doors of the nursing home.

William Robert Mayfield, here we go.

Aether walked through the main corridor to the front desk.

"Name?" said the woman behind the desk with her head still down in her novel.

"May...field," Aether replied.

"Tenant name or guest name?" she asked with a stiff tone, still without eye contact.

"Tenant... name. I am looking for William Rob—"

"Bill? Bill Mayfield? You must be his grandson, yes?" she asked with her head now lifted, and incredibly more cheerful.

"Yes..." Aether replied with slight uncertainty.

"He's been waiting for you. Said his grandson was coming to visit this morning. He's in the Rec Hall," she explained.

"Rec hall, right."

"No left, down that corridor, then it's the last door on your left again."

"Righ— I mean okay," Aether said grinning at the woman who was much kinder now than their initial greeting.

Arriving at the Recreation Hall he saw a small group huddled in front of a television; the remaining residents seated at tables playing different forms of card or board games. Aether searched the room for a staff member to show him in the direction of William. Across the room, standing over one of the elderlies was a young woman pointing out pictures in a magazine. Apart from her obvious age difference along with the residents around her, Aether could see a name badge clipped to the front of her teal colored scrubs. Only a staff member would need a name badge. The young woman slowly peeled herself up from her previously hunched position, carefully flicking her ivory blonde hair in accord.

Her icy blue eyes met Aether's, and she smiled, "Hello," her voice was as soft as Aether had imagined it in his head, "Hello?" she repeated with a small chuckle.

"Will... Bill—William. I'm umm looking for William... Mayfield."

"Ah Bill," she paused as she looked to the back of the room, "he would be over there hustling poor Murray and Clay for their Christmas bingo winnings from last night."

"Right, well... thank you. Very much," he replied as he cringingly smiled back at her.

Her eyes smiled back at him, just as her mouth did. There was something pure, innocent, loving, and familiar about this smile. Aether turned to walk towards William's backgammon table, stopping halfway to glimpse back over his shoulder to sneak another peek of the woman.

Pt 3. Out Of Time | Aeron Aether seriesWhere stories live. Discover now