Chapter 3

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EYES by @xInfinityxGirl

|Chapter 3|

     "So there's only one security tower... Dead in the center of Camp. I'm sure that's where your piece of paper wants you to go."

     Kieran and I had stopped for a brief second to catch our breaths when he said this. I looked towards what would be the middle of Camp and the tall brick building came into view.

     "I know where the security tower is Kieran," I muttered. I had practically been raised in this place like every other child in the vicinity. Only an idiot would not know where the security tower was, especially since it was known for shining an extremely bright circular light when they searched for criminals.

     "Okay, smart-ass. Enough time wasted. We need to get going before they catch up to us."

     At this point, our running had slowed down by a little bit. We decided that since we had gotten out of the Officers' eyesights, we were safe to slow down a beat. A large cramp was growing on my left side but I didn't dare to mention it to Kieran. I barely knew him and he barely knew me. The last thing I wanted to do was give him the impression that I was a little princess who needed a knight in shining armor to save her. No. It just wasn't me.

     We ran and ran and ran. It felt like we had been running for hours non-stop. But finally, after a few more fences to hop, we had made it to the tower.

     Kieran pulled me to a dark corner by my wrist and put his finger to his lips. Be quiet, his voice rang in my head.

     Let me go in and find this Larry guy. It's too dangerous for you. The Officers know what you look like and you are the one they're searching for.

     I nodded my head, still in silence so that our cover would not be blown. It wasn't until Kieran was gone that I realized that in all the time that he had been holding my hand whilst running, I never once thought to look at his face. I had no clue what the kid looked like and that was the most chilling fact of it all.

     I snuck inside his head with the ability that he did not realize I had. Sure, telepathy was one thing that we both shared. But one thing that made me different from him was that I could see everything and hear everything he was seeing and hearing.

     Kieran casually walked up to the dense steel door that served as an entrance to the tower and knocked. The door creaked open with its rusty hinges and out popped a man's head. It was clear that he was an Officer due to the fact that he wore an emotionless expression.

     "Can I help you?" The Officer snarled bitterly. What an ass, I told Kieran telepathically. I heard Kieran chuckle and then cough to mask the sound.

     "I'm looking for Larry the Security Tower Manager."

     "What is your destination?" The Officer asked, this time more curiously than before.

     "Destination?" Questioned Kieran.

     "Yes. Where are you headed?" The Officer's demeanor once again went back to one of bitterness.

     Where are we headed when we get out of this place Haley? Kieran asked me with an urgent tone.

     I quickly pulled out Granmama's cookbook and decoded the message in my head as fast as I could. 

     Josephine, Michigan, I replied. Kieran repeated the words and the Officer's eyes became wide.

     "And where is Miss Richardsen?" The Officer asked cautiously, looking around the surrounding area for me.

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