Chapter Six // Chuuya

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~Akutagawa's P.O.V.~

Cough Cough

'Shit. I'm late! (Y/N) must be worried!' I thought, speeding up my pace. If I wanted to make it at all, I would just have to have someone tell Mori about the mission and just go as is. I brought out my phone and began to call someone.

''Hello?'' ''Higuchi, I need a favor.'' ''Uh, Akutagawa-kun! Anything! W-What do you need?!'' Higuchi stuttered. I sighed as I told her to tell Mori the mission went well. ''Okay, is that all?'' ''Yes.'' ''Okay, bye, Akutagawa-senpai!'' Higuchi's voice cracked as she hung up. Okay, now that's out of the way-

(Y/N) is my first priority.

~Time Skip~

The park is just around the corner. Hopefully (Y/N) is still there. ''Here, let me help you up!'' ''Huh? Oh, thanks...'' ''Hey, you okay?'' I peered over the corner to see (Y/N) standing by the gates along with another familiar male. Chuuya. Chuuya and (Y/N) giggled a little before Chuuya just flat-out asked (Y/N) a risky question. ''So, uh, you wanna get a drink with me?'' (Y/N) blinked a couple of times before she smiled and nodded. ''Nice, let's go.'' Chuuya smiled as he put out his hand. (Y/N) grabbed it and they walked away. 

My jaw dropped as I felt this wave of rage come over me. ''HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HER! SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HIM! HELL, THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER'S NAMES!'' I whisper shouted so that they didn't hear me. I looked over the corner again to see Chuuya turn his head around and winked at me.

That guy is so dead.

~Back to (Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

~Time Skip~

He led me down an alleyway and took me to a little bar. ''Hopefully, he isn't abducting me-'' I thought. He looked back at me and smiled once the door opened. ''After you.'' He bowed as he held the door. ''Thanks...'' It was just a typical bar. Nothing big but nothing small. ''Maybe this will take my mind off things,'' I muttered. ''Hey Chuuya!'' One of the bartenders greeted! ''Hey!'' They high-fived each other after we sat down at one of the stools near the front of the table. ''Who's the girl?'' The guy who I'm assuming is Chuuya looked at me. ''Uh, a friend.'' He smiled. I awkwardly smiled back as he turned his chair around to face the bartender. ''GO TO HELL!'' Some people were fighting each other on the other side of the table. Slamming them into walls, breaking bottles against their heads, throwing them on tables, throwing punches, and just yelling. ''Ah, I'll serve you guys in a minute. I need to stop this fight before it gets any more ugly...'' The bartender sighed as he walked away. 

Chuuya spun in his chair a bit more until he stopped and faced me. ''So-'' Chuuya started. ''So.'' ''Um, why did you go out with me?'' Chuuya asked. ''I mean, I wouldn't count it as a date or anything... I mean, I just had a stressful day today, and you were offering free drinks, so-'' You explained. Chuuya laughed a little. ''So what happened today?'' ''Well, I just got out of the hospital today-'' ''You were in the hospital? For what?'' He interrupted. You put your head on the table and faced him. ''Being too close that explosion.'' ''Oh, sorry about that.'' He said. ''Eh, it wasn't that bad...'' you said as you stretched. ''I mean, I had a date today but they didn't come so that was fun. I was waiting there for about an hour.'' Chuuya tilted his head. ''Are you sure it was a date?'' Chuuya asked. You looked at him and sighed. ''No, who would date me?'' You muttered. ''No! I-I didn't mean it like that! You're pretty and I would date you!'' Chuuya smiled. You looked at him and tilted your head. ''I mean, I-I wouldn't date you but uh- Excuse me!'' Chuuya's face was red and he slowly got up from his chair and left toward the bathroom. Shortly after that, you heard yelling from the bathroom. ''FUUUUUUUCK!'' You knew it was Chuuya and you couldn't help but laugh.

Chuuya came out of the bathroom and sat by you again. Chuuya awkwardly laughed. ''Haha, sorry about that!'' You just started laughing. ''HEY IT'S NOT FUNNY!'' Once he said that it just made you laugh more. ''We never properly introduced ourselves.'' You explained. ''Yeah, I guess we haven't...'' Chuuya put out his hand. ''Chuuya. Chuuya Nakahara.'' You grabbed his hand and shook it. ''(Y/N) (L/N)'' You smiled before you quickly jerked back your hand. ''Is-Is something wrong?'' Chuuya asked. ''Y-You're the Chuuya!'' Chuuya was confused. ''Yeah?'' ''Like, Chuuya Nakahara! F-From the Port Mafia!'' Chuuya narrowed his eyes. ''Oh, so you're like that... Y'know, sometimes mafia members just want to have a day off without causing trouble.'' Chuuya explained as he spun in his chair. ''B-But, why do you guys just walk around?! Like, wouldn't you get caught?!'' You asked. ''Eh, no not really. Some of us have disguises and the other half of us keep a low profile.'' Chuuya explained. ''I mean, I guess that makes sense...'' You muttered.

Two men sluggishly but angerly left the bar and the bartender went back to us. ''Sorry about that, so, what do you guys want to drink?'' He then brought out his little tablet and pen. ''My usual,'' Chuuya said. ''Alright, and you?'' You haven't really looked at the menu and you haven't been here before, so you had no idea. ''Uh, whatever Chuuya's having...?'' You said with a little confusion. ''You sure?'' ''Uh.... yeah.'' You answered. ''Alright, two red wines. It will be here shortly!'' He smiled as he wrote it down and left. 

People were yelling and cheering behind you guys so you and Chuuya turned around and quickly everyone started cheering Chuuya's name. ''Chuuya. Chuuya. Chuuya! Chuuya! CHUUYA!'' They yelled. Chuuya stood up and walked over there. 'I guess Chuuya just, owns the bar...' You thought to yourself. 'How often does he come here?' People moved aside so Chuuya had space. But for what? You walked over there and asked one of the guys what was going on. ''Oh, Chuuya's the master at throwing darts!'' He cheered. ''Like, he broke on of them before because of the shock of the throw!'' They seemed really excited about it so you decided to watch it. ''Okay guys, I'm not throwing darts this time, I'm throwing knives!'' Chuuya said excitedly. You flinched as he pulled a knife out of his pocket. You got a little nervous and wondered why everyone was so excited and how he fit that in his pocket. He threw the first knife and it got a bullseye. Everyone shouted and cheered for Chuuya. 'So much for a low profile...' He threw the second one and it landed right next to the other one as he got another bullseye. Everyone's cheers got louder every time he got a bullseye. ''Okay Chuuya, last one.'' A man said as he handed Chuuya his last knife. Chuuya bowed down as he smiled. ''Thank you good sir.'' as he faced the wall with the target. He threw it and the knife got stuck in the handle of another knife that got a bullseye. People started crowding Chuuya and giving compliments and cheering. ''Nice throwing!'' ''Drinks on me!'' ''Awesome!'' ''Man, you're amazing!''

I went back to my seat and Chuuya sat down next to me. ''So you're popular here?'' You asked. ''Eh, I guess you could say that...'' Chuuya spun in his chair. ''Sorry it took so long! Here are your drinks!'' The bartender handed us our drinks. 

~Time Skip~

You weren't really a big drinker so you slowly sipped your one cup as you faced Chuuya. Chuuya? Well, he already drank a couple of drinks. He slammed his cup on the table as he stood up. ''ANOTHER!'' His face was pink and he had a little bit sloppy speech. He sat back down as the chair started to spin again. You just kinda watched as Chuuya drank a whole bunch. A few minutes went by and it was time to leave. Chuuya was the first one to get up and he slowly walked closer to you, laughing. He slowly rubbed his hand on the side of your face as he whispered in your ear. ''You're kinda pretty, (Y/N)~'' You took Chuuya's hand and you put it by his side as he was laughing and swaying. ''Chuuya, you're drunk...'' You sighed. ''No, YoU'Re druNk!'' He slurred his speech. ''C'mon, let's get you home.'' You got up as Chuuya was trying to stand on both of his feet. He was holding on to tables, doorways, or just an object at this point. 

You walked down the little alley as You held on to Chuuya but he was still almost tripping. He leaned into your side and it was really easy because he was really short. Chuuya suddenly stopped so you did too as he ran over and threw up on the ground. You walked over there and pulled back his hair as you patted his back. He got up and he went back to leaning into your side. You led him to your house because you didn't know where Chuuya lived. You walked and unlocked and opened the door the grabbed Chuuya from your car. You brought him inside and sat him on the couch while you went to get some rags to wipe off his face. He began to yawn and you laid Chuuya down on the couch as you covered him. You walked down the hall to get to your bed.

You and Chuuya fell asleep pretty quickly that night.


1615 words owo

𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓼 // An Akutagawa Ryūnosuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now