chapter 22: Hayden's final bye

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Hayden didnt want to say bye to the girls, he loved them too much but caring for them as his own was something that wasnt planned it just kind of all happened, hayden felt as if he didn't have a say in anything.

Haydens pov.

I really wanted the girls to stay but they just couldnt they couldnt stay, i work too much and worry bout their safety and i was not comfortable with them being here all the time by theirselves.

i've never had any fan live with me and its kind of over whelming i couldn't concentrate on anything my work was what i really needed was something to put out so i can keep my fans updated and i cant with 3 girls that i cant raise and y/n wants to work this isnt working out with 3 girls and they need to feel loved and cared about mainly because we can't do it. 

      We tried the best we could and we gave them great lives and memories for 9 months we never thought that we would be raising my fans they do not hate me nor y/n but they wished they didn't have to go. 

    Maddie and the other 2 girls are very understanding and well minded girls they will forever be in our minds and heart. The girls know that they are welcome here anytime and they can stay with y/n and I for the weekends or summer again. it was really fun having them around but now it's time to say bye I don't say "goodbye" because that is "i'll never see you again" and I know that we will because we love them as much as they love us and they're really more than welcome to come back and stay anytime that they want. 

      y/n's pov. 

     Hayden was really taking this harder than he had expected but he know's that they'll be safe and they'll come back to see him. We got up the next morning and made our way down stair they girls were already up and dressed. when hayden and I went into the kitchen there was food on the table and love In their hearts, Hayden didn't know what to say all  he could do was cry, he felt as if he was the bad guy but the girls knew that they had to leave and try new things which they were always up for. when Maddie saw hayden crying she ran to him with open arms and comforted him, we all hugged as a giant family and parted ways after an hour or two. before they had left Hayden ran upstairs and grabbed hoodies for each one Maddie got his champion hoodie, Makayla got his blue bankrol hoodie, and Ashlyn got his yellow hoodie. they all said their I love you's and hugged before they got out of the door hayden and I broke down.

         We watched out the window as they got in the car and left, when they pulled away and hay couldn't see them anymore he decided to call. 

H: hey madz

M: hey *crying* 

H: do not cry on me, I just talked this over with y/n and we don't want you 3 to go. 

M: wym? 

H: we can't have all 3 of you guys living with us so the foster people just called y/n and told her that we have to keep the one that doesn't have any family to fall back on.

M: wait, that's me. 

H: exactly, they're going to drop off Ashlyn and Makayla and then bring you back home. 

M: okay, I love you guys! 

H: we love you too. 

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