Chapter 1

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Alex's POV
I'm sitting in Peggy's yellow voltswagen beetle, with all our stuff in the backseat.
'Pegs?' I say
'Yes Lexi?'She responds
'Are you nervous?'I ask knowing she'll say no.
'Nope' she says popping the p.'I'm pumped!Are you nervous Lexi?'
'I'm a little nervous' I say with a slight frown
'What why?!'Peggy asks in her concerned, confused, and excited voice.
'Well I'm nervous for rooming, what if I have someone awful?!'I admit eyebrows squinting together.I complain loudly.I can already think of the number one person on the do not put me as his dorm mate list.
'Thomas Jefferson' I say outloud
Peggy hums, 'what about him?', clearly confused.
'I don't want to room with him' I say with a scowl on my face.Peggy giggles and says,
'Don't worry Lexi, I'm sure things will work out!'
I nod along with her, not wanting to crush her happy spirit.Peggy parks and practically yells,
'WE ARE HERE LEXI!!!!'I let out a whoop and hop out of the car.I grab my stuff as peggy grabs hers.We walk to the Entrance of kings college and are met by our friends familiar faces.
'John!Herc!Laf!Eliza!Angelica!Maria!Burr!' I say as I greet them with excitement.Everyone responds with cheers and greetings.We continue our conversations, just catching up with one another.
I glance up from our conversations and see a face I wish wasn't familiar.Ew.Its Thomas Jefferson.i turn to herc trying to get his attention
'Herc' I say panicking
'Herc!' I repeat a few more times
'HERCLUES MULLIGAN!!' I whisper shout as I tug his sleeve.Its to late Thomas noticed me, he smirks and starts walking over.I panicked even more and turn to get Peggy's attention, I'm too late as I here an awful southern drawling accent behind me.
'Well looky, if it isn't little Hamilton' he says slyly
'Ew' I respond 'If it isn't Jefferson'
'Your still short as I'll get our small man' Jefferson taunts with a laugh.But he's not wrong I don't even quite reach his shoulders.I stay quite thinking of a retort.
'Does the small man got nothing to say' he says with a babyish voice and a fake pout.I growl.
'I've ALWAYS got something to say Dumba—.'
I am cut off when I here Madison calling for Jefferson in the distance.
'Is that your boyfriend calling you?' I taunt as his face reddens.
'N-no!' He stutters, clearly caught of guard by my taunt.
'Bye small man' he taunts as he walks off.I flip him off as he walks off.I look at my group of friends,
'What the actual frick guys?!' I exclaim.
'I wanted to see it play out mon ami!' Lafyette says with a giggle.The group murmurs their agreement.
'Ugh, you guys are the worst' I say with a scowl on my face.
'Well small man, why don't we go sign in?' John says between laughs.
'Yeah, yeah, fine.' I say with a grumble.We walk up to the kind looking old woman with glasses running one of the sign in tables.We all sign in and she hands us our dorm numbers with a kind smile.
'356!' Angelica and Eliza say, then smile and hug each other.
'302' peggy and Maria day and squeal with delight
'372!!!' Laf and Herc say, repeating Maria and Peggy's squeal of joy.
'371' John says.
'Dang it' I say frowning.'Ive got 291'
After we all are done talking about our hopes for the dorms laf says we should go to a celebration dinner and I happily oblige with the rest of the group.
'Let's set our stuff down in our dorms first, oui?'laf says with an excited puppy look on his face.we all agree then start the walk to our dorms.I walk to my dorm in silence, nervous for my roommates appearance.I unlock the door and open it with an exhale, It looks like my roomie isn't here yet.I choose the room with a bigger desk in it and put my boxes down on the floor.I leave the dorm, still nervous about my roomies arrival.
~Time skip to dinner~
We all laugh at John being dumb by balancing a spoon on his nose.The only one not paying attention is peggy, she has been looking at Maria almost the ENTIRE time.Its sooo obvious peggy likes her. Maria glances at peggy and they make eye contact, blush and turn away.I decide to have some fun.
'Sooo.' I say, a smirk on my face. 'Peggy, Maria are you guys ok?'I say with fake concern.
'Your both as red as cherries!'I finish teasing them.
' yep, never better Lexi!' Peggy says the last word with humorous venom in her voice and a glare.We both start laughing.Dinner flies by and nothing interesting happens, except a drunk burr flirting with Angelica.I pay my part of the bill and say goodbye to everyone.When I get to peggy and Maria, I wiggle my eyebrows at them.They just roll their eyes and say bye.I start walking to my dorm and think who my roommate might be.I pray to whatever gods are out there it's not Jefferson.I unlock the door and let go a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw my roommate.It was Charles's lee eating pasta.I silently thank whatever god blessed me.I smile to myself and head to my room for the night

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