Chapter 2

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A week later, Alex's POV
I walk up to the dorms phone ringing.I groan as I hop out bed in my only my boxers to answer.
'Hello?' I say with sass to my voice.
'Mr.hamilton and mr.lee?'
'Yes ma'am, mr.hamilton' I say
'Mr.hamilton the the headmistress requests you and mr.lees presence in her office at 10:00 am sharp.' The lady on the phone says curtly.
'Yes ma'am' I respond and hang up.
'WHAT HAMILTON?!'he shouts back
I check the clock, it's 9:12.I hop in the shower and put on a white teeshirt, brown pants, black combat boots, and my blue jacket.Its 9:45.I open my door and see lee waiting for me on the couch.
'Ready?' He asks?
'Let's go' I respond smiling.
Time skip to entering the office :D
Lee and I walk into the headmistress's office.In front of lee and I say, headmistress Martha Washington, Thomas Jefferson And my favorite turtle boy, John.
'Mr.charles, mr.Alexander. Please take a seat.' She says
'I know you all are probably confused as to why you are here'We all nod as she continues 'There seems to have been a mixup concerning your dorms.' My heart drops, does the mean I'm with Jefferson? 'Mr.John, you will be moving to mr.charles dorm.291' 'Mr.Alexander, you will move to mr.thomas's dorm, 371'We nod.
'Any questions?'.'You are dismissed'.
I sulk back to my soon to be former dorm, why me?I think as I unlock the dorm door.I pack up my stuff and as I am walking out with my boxes I see lee staring off into space and blushing.
'Earth to lee' I say
'Huh?' He says jumping, I must've scared him.
'Your blushing' I point out
'I'm just happy' he retorts sarcastically
'Okkkkkk' I say drawing out the k.
He DEFINITELY likes John.I grin, say my goodbyes and walk out.I remember why I'm leaving my dorm and sigh.I knock on dorm 371 and John answers, he lets me in and I go and set my stuff down in the empty room.I walk back out into my new living room and see John doing the same thing lee did, blushing and staring off into nothing.I roll my eyes and say catch.I toss him the key and key catches it.Then he yells,
'YEET!' And hits me in the stomach with my new room key.
'Have fun!' I say sarcastically
'You too!' He reply's sarcasm much heavier.
' A** hole' I mutter under my breath.I walk into my room and unpack my stuff.
An hour later :3
'There finally done' I say to myself'
I walk out to see Jefferson sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.I roll my eyes and stare at him for minute.He was kinda good looking....NOPE dumb brain!He looks up at me and says with a smirk,
'Like whatcha see Hamilton?'
'Ew no, idiot' I say.I can feel my face heating up though.'If I wanted a good view id look in a mirror'.
'Really darlin, because your blush says otherwise.' He says this with his stupid southern accent.I tsk at him furiously and storm out, I couldn't think of a retort.I decided I'd go see what laf and Herc were up too since we were neighbors now.
I knock on their door.Herclues answers within a minute.
'Hey little al!' He greets,
'Can I come in?' I ask pouting
'Sure thing'he says as he opens the door for me to get in.I sit down on their couch and sigh dramatically.
'Everything ok al?Your bright red.' Herc asks with genuine concern as laf walks in.
'OH before I forget mon ami!Heres a spare key for you to our dorm!'laf says.I thank him and answer Hercules question,I tell them about how I had to move in with Jefferson.And how he was being a jerk,
'He's so dumb!' I say pouting
'I'm sorry for my cousin mon ami.' Laf says
'YOUR WHAT!!?' Hercules and I say in unison
'I have told you before, oui?'
'NO?!' I exclaim.
A few minutes later Herc whispers something to laf and the both start laughing.
'Mon ami has to live with cousin, oui?'laf says while giggling
'Yes' I say rolling my eyes.
'Goodluck!' Herc And laf say in unison and laugh harder, like the wicked witches Or something.
I stomp out to my dorm and sit on the couch to pout.
An hour later
About an hour later I realize I left my phone in their dorm so I grab my spare key to their dorm and go in.I open the door to see laf Sleeping on top of Hercules.I stifle a laugh, grab my phone and snap a picture of them before leaving.I close and lock their door cackling with laughter at the new blackmail I have.I opened the door to Jefferson and I's dorm.I set my key on my night stand. And jump onto my bed, I stare at the ceiling for a minute before I feel a buzz come from my back pocket.i got a text from laf, he must've woken up after I left.

French fry:Hey mon ami, I fell asleep and forgot to invite you and poofball( Thomas) to the party tomorrow, my dorm.Oui?
Me(non-stop): oui.Ill ask poofball lol.
I get up and go to Thomas's room.
'Laf calls you poofball?' I tease him
'Shut up small man' he retorts.
'Laf invited us to a party tomorrow after classes, what do ya say poofball?' I say.
'Sure but if you call me poofball I will destroy you!' He says jokingly
'Sure thing poofball' I mutter so He couldn't here me as I walk out.
I go into the kitchen to boil water for tea, I start boiling the water but realized I forgot my book in my room.I forgot about the water!!!I realize a little later.I run out and see Thomas turning off the stove, he turns around and sees me and asks
'Did you just ..... burn water?' I turn red and start to defend myself, he stops me and smirks saying
'So the GREAT Alexander Hamilton, the TOP of our school classes, is such an awful cook he can't even BOIL water?!'He says between laughs, taunting me.I turn even redder.
'At least I was top of the class!' I say as I walk into my room, forgetting about the tea.Grinning I say to myself
'Argument won.' I decide to call peggy and see if her and Maria want to comeover and hang out.
'Heyo pegs, I wanted to see if you and Maria wanted to come over and hang ou- but before I could finish an out of breath Peggy answers,
'Can't were busy!' And hangs up.I chuckle.I get up and sit down in the chair in front of my desk and start working on an essay due in a month for Debate class.
An hour later, 9:47 pm
I walk into our living room to see Thomas eating Mac n cheese watching the my little pony movie.He glances at me and says with a mouth full of Mac n cheese,
'Wa som?'(want some?) I nod and grab myself a bowl of Mac n cheese, he slides over and makes room for me on the couch, he leans over and whispers in my ear,
'You enjoying Unburnt food?' I hit him playfully and set my bowl of Mac n cheese down on the coffee table in front of the couch.I feel my eyelids begin to droop, as the shipment eagles find the pony's on deck,Suddenly everything goes dark as sleep envelopes me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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