chapter 1

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I opened twitch and started streaming after a long day of editing the Youtube video I filmed with Ani expected to go up tomorrow. Ani and me have been friends from the beginning of our social media careers, and have been there for eachother since. Chat flooded in after a few seconds and I took away my "starting soon" screen to reveal CS:GO.

"Hi guys! Hope you're night is going well. We're gonna start off with some CS:GO but after a little I'm just gonna chill with you guys." I told chat. I started the game and played for the next hour with music playing low in the background, occasionally glancing and responding at chat to see what was going on. Around 50 minutes of playing and going back and forth with in-game players, I quickly saw a glimpse of a comment after being killed for the first time in a while.

'Bro is quackity here??'

I was instantly confused. I saw quackity's channel before but his channel is basically 3x bigger than mine, so there'd be no reason for him to be in my twitch chat. I'm definitely guilty of stalking his Instagram once as well, since he's one of Ani as well as Aksel's friend, who I've dmed with at times. I dismissed it thinking it was some kind of inside joke on his channel that his fans were milking. My viewer count strangely went up, causing chat to be crazy.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna switch to Just Chatting since I've been playing for a bit already. Ask me some questions or just bring up some topics we can talk about together. It's almost 11 so I'm just tryna relax."

wishwi: '@ quackityhq'

devon_be: 'Abrasive are u ever gonna do face reveal?? you sound hott'

librathot: 'quackity type in chat'

There's always people in chat asking to see my face or find out everything about me. Keeping myself mysterious has always been something I stood by. The thought of even showing another content creator my face sends me into a panic. I hide behind the name Abrasive on social media, since if anyone knew my name was Ayah people from uni would find out it's me.

"Devon I will dismember your kneecaps if you keep asking for a face reveal every stream. Can we get an L in the chat for Devon please?" I asked chat, trying to change the subject.



patrca: Quackity's tryna get an e-girlfriend

"Guys I love you all but I am so confused on why you've been bringing up other youtubers. Wow thank you for the $15 donation lisa_n, I appreciate it." I thanked. When viewers donate they can write a message which will be read off by the text to speech bot, which are usually sweet little messages.

The bot read off "Abrasive, quackityhq is watching your stream!". This made me burst into laughter on how the bot butchered the username. I quickly checked the viewer list of my stream and realized he actually was watching me. At this point I'm so glad I don't use facecam as I felt my face heat up while thinking back to the photos of him on Instagram. I ignored it completely which made the viewers go even crazier.

punctua_: abrasive turn on that facecam for Alex

I took a couple moments to gather my thoughts then proceeded to talk about what content I'm planning on producing next, which was how I might do commentary type videos that would feature more people on my channel. I kept checking if he left, but even after that donation, quackityhq was still showing up on viewers.

"I'll see you soon my lovelies, thank you for all the donations, watch out for my video coming out tomorrow with kingani! Love you all." I told chat as I ended the stream.

I jumped straight into bed since I was already wearing my shorts with a strappy tank top since California summers are scorching, and scrolled through twitter. Ani retweeted a quackityhq tweet, which led me to lurking extra hard. His humor matched with mine perfectly. 5 minutes in and I get a notification that read "QuackityHQ followed you". I returned the follow and went to sleep in my studio apartment.

ok hi guys this is my first time writing so I'm just seeing what happens after I publish this chapter lol. 

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