chapter one

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Stella's point of view (by the way she has a British accent)

I walk home with my bag over my shoulder.i'm still in my dance outfit becouse I'm too lazy to change. (Pic above). When I get home I knock on the door. Mom answered it. "Hello Stella, is Henry with you?" She asked. I shake my head. She shakes her head and mumbles something. "Can you look around town while I look around the house" she asked. I nods and she closes the door. Great, didn't get a chance to change. I ran around town till I saw her with a blond headed lady. I then ran up to him and yelled "HENRY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN". I got up to him and put my arms over my chest. "Umm...I wasn't on a field trip" he said. Liar... I slyly nod.

Emma's p.o.v

A little girl about Henry's age comes up yelling at him
Then I notice something. WHAT THE HECK IS SHE WEARING. It's vary short and she's wearing white ballet shoes. "Umm do you know where he lives" I ask. "Yes. The mayers house" she says. She then says one last word to Henry before walking off. "And who was she" I ask, since he's talking about some fairy tales. "She narcissa white. The swan princess, but her name here is stella" he said before we drive to his house. When we get there I knock and the little girl from before opens the door. She looks at me weirdly before calling someone. She can running towards Henry. "HENRY! Where have you been I've been worried" she said. "I found my real mom" he said before running off and the girl from before running after him. The lady was still there.

Stellas point of view

I run after Henry and he runs in his room. I was about to go in but he shut the door in my face. I put my hands on my hips and gasp. "HOW RUDE" i yelled and stormed off to my room. When I got there I slammed the door and ran to my bed.

 When I got there I slammed the door and ran to my bed

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I plopped down on the bed and sighed. "So....freaken.....tired" I say to myself. As I was about to drift into sleep before mom came in. "Bath, brush teeth, brush hair, floss, pjs, sleep. Good night. Love you. See you in the mourning" she said before calmly walking off. I sigh and sit up. 'Nooooooooo' I say in my head as I stand up. I grab my pajamas and put them on the sink of my bathroom.

After the shower.

I put on my amazing ballerina pjs.

I skip over to the sink and brush my hair and teeth

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I skip over to the sink and brush my hair and teeth. When I'm done I run over to my bed and do a full body belly flop on my bed. "Sleeeeeeppppp" I say closing my eyes. I crawl over and get under my b blanket and sleep peacefully.

Goodnight storybrook...

OK thanks for reading my first story and I'll see you in the next chapter

Peace out💫

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