Traumatic injuries

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First aid providers are often called to assist with traumatic injuries. Knowing how to respond to a variety of situations is important for first aid providers. First aid responders are valuable in providing initial care and assisting more skilled providers in delivering care to the seriously injured persons.


Blood loss often gets the most attention. Many times the amount of bleeding is overestimated and draws attention to wounds when more serious injuries should be dealt with first. Whenever confronted with bleeding, perform a quick overview of the person to make sure something more serious is not being overlooked.

Always use personal protective equipment prior to caring for an injured and bleeding person. The person can be instructed to perform some self-care while you put on your protective gear.

The most effective way to stop bleeding from a wound is to apply direct pressure. Use a dressing and your gloved hand to apply firm and direct pressure to the injured area. Continue to hold the pressure until the bleeding stops. If there are multiple wounds, apply pressure dressings to the worst injuries first, and then to the lesser bleeding injuries. The person may temporarily be able to assist by holding pressure on some areas.

Very small wounds such as scrapes can heal more rapidly by using an antibiotic salve. Ask the person if they have any allergies before applying the antibiotic salve. Thoroughly wash minor scrapes and abrasions with soap and water before bandaging.

Massive bleeding can occur due to extreme injuries such as open fractures or deep lacerations. When direct pressure does not control bleeding, a tourniquet may be required. Tourniquets can consist of a blood pressure cuff, belt, or premade versions. Although commercially prepared tourniquets are more effective than improvised ones, if none is available, one can be made quickly using a piece of cloth and stick-like object. Understand that application of a tourniquet is painful but may be necessary to prevent life-threatening blood loss. Tourniquet use is difficult and can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Direct pressure should be applied first.

 Direct pressure should be applied first

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Figure 6

To apply a tourniquet, do the following:Put on personal protective gear.Apply tourniquet approximately two inches above wound.Tighten until the bleeding stops.Record the time the tourniquet was applied.Call 911.Stay with the person and do not release tourniquet until advanced help assumes care.

Certain situations may produce massive internal bleeding that is not visible when examining the person. This may occur from trauma, falls from a height, car accidents, or crush injuries. Penetrating injuries caused by a knife or gunshot may produce devastating internal bleeding with very little external blood loss. Immediately call 911 whenever these injuries are suspected. Help the person lie down and remain still. Check for signs and symptoms of shock. You may need to cover the person to keep them from getting cold. Stay with them until advanced help arrives.


Teeth may be broken, chipped, or completely knocked out of the mouth. Always use gloves when handling another person's teeth.

Sometimes teeth can be re-implanted and should be transported with the person to the dentist or to the medical facility. Always handle teeth gently and avoid touching the roots. Gently wash the tooth with clean water but never scrub it or its roots. A tooth can be transported in milk, saline solution, or under a cooperative person's tongue. The person must see a dentist or a medical provider immediately.

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