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You scribbled on a blank page in your note book with a pencil as you lay on your bed. It was another night in a hotel.
"Hmm," you say as you look at your MRVN sketch. "I think I'm about done." You close your sketchbook and put it on the floor next to the bed. Common (y/n), stop messing around. You need SLEEP. You thought to yourself. Tomorrow was a big day - it was yet another round at the apex games. This was going to be your fourth one.

So far, all your games at the apex games have lead to you loosing. You really wanted to finally win this time.
You originally joined the apex games for, well, for fun. You have always been very fawn of weapons. You grew up on shooting a B.B. gun, and soon the B.B. gun turned into a bow, which soon grew into a shot gun. You even made your own gun - a sunblazer. Also known as a S-B. The gun is a gun that only you and no other legends can use, and multiple are found scattered around the map.

You sigh and slam your face onto your pillow. Tomorrow's my day. You think as you slowly drift off to sleep.

The Next Morning.

Your eyes widen as the loud buzzing of your alarm clock went off, it is 6 PM. You jump out of bed, put on clean clothes that are fresh from the dryer and quickly make yourself a baloney sandwich. "A Baloney sandwich? For breakfast?" You ask yourself while taking your first bike. Then, your phone vibrated. You pulled the device out of your pocket to be greeted with a notification-

"All legends must meet at the apex arena by 9 PM.

"Yeah, yeah." You say to yourself while turning off your phone. "Do you have to give us the same notification every single morning?" You moan while taking another bite. You finish your sandwich and then put on your gear. You didn't have much of a "costume", unlike the OTHER legends. Such as that bloodhound person, whom was padded with many layers of accessories. You wore (whatever you want like to wear w/ shorts). You couldn't bare the heat, you couldn't believe some of these legends wore long sleeve shirts.

You then walk outside wear you were greeted with a cab. The same cab that arrived every day you participated in a game. This cab would bring you to the arena. Beats spending gas money. So many thoughts filled your mind. Some were scared, some were nervous, but mostly excited. What would your team be? Where will we drop? Will I finally take out the asshole "octane"- the same dude who has killed you EVERY SINGLE GAME so far? "Big day, huh?" The familiar british voice echoed in your ears. "Yeah, y-yeah it is." You replied to the driver. "I wish ya best of luck." He said. "Thanks, I'm gonna need it." You laugh.

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