Court Queen

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     Instead of attending the spring court function, I was competing in a math competition held at the church. Gleeson frowned and left as we came in, muttering to us that our backs would be sore if we so much as burned a candle. I knew why he was so stingy, but that didn't make his attitude any more pleasant. For a man of god, he had a large appetite for violence.
      We were competing against a team from northern France called the Titans. They were all men except for one lady.
     "You'll do well, Annabeth," Lady Lupa told me. "None of the men in the other team are comely enough to distract you."
    I nodded. It was strange how easily Lady Lupa forgave me. Not only had I been studying mathematics in my free time, but Lady Lupa has also been tutoring me in architecture. I was glad that I had finally joined the Math Warriors.
      The competition began slowly. Both teams were doing well and by the end, we were tied. The judge, Dike, announced that we would go into a tiebreaker round and that if a single question was answered incorrectly, then the other team would win. Each team got to choose the champion for their rival. I was chosen by the Titans and we chose Lady Themis as their champion.
      Dike revealed the final question. It was about how to factor a quadratic equation. My pencil moved quickly, but Themis rang the bell quickly. She spoke her answer.
      "That is incorrect," Dike said, "if Annabeth gets this question right, then the Math Warriors will win."
     I nodded and bit my lip. To factor a quadratic equation, you had to ensure that the answer multiplied out to the original equation. I checked it twice and then rang the bell.
      "That is correct," Dike said after I spoke the answer.
      "Who's the winner now?" Leo said. "Leo Valdez! Take that Titans! It's Bad Boy Supreme Time."
     "Come on," Lady Lupa said, "let's get going. We can make it to the dance."
      "Are you sure?" I asked.
      I was wearing a simple gown and my hair was frizzy. I was dressed for an academic competition and not a ball.
     "It will be fun," Lady Lupa said.
      "You can't let the haters stop you," Leo said. "You already completed your punishments. Don't continue to punish yourself."
      I followed my new friends back to the castle. As we made our way into the ballroom, I notice King Poseidon standing on a raised platform.
      "And your Court Queen is Annabeth Chase!" he said.
        I felt all eyes turn towards me. I shakily made my way to the king and curtsied. He placed a crown made of flowers on my head.
     "Sire, this is a great surprise," I said, "but it's not one I deserve. Everyone has been fighting over this crown and worrying about whose head it will be placed upon for months. Honestly, we all look like royalty tonight. Gwen, your hair is lovely, Lacey your gown is beautiful, and Drew, you look like a statue as usual."
      "The thing is, this is just made of flowers," I said. "And who is to say that I deserve it more than anyone else. So here's a flower for Nico, for Drew, for Reyna, for Gwen, for Lacey, for Percy, for all of you."
     I heard cheers and I felt my cheeks burn.
      "You are a remarkable lady," Percy said, sidling up to me.
       "I've learned much this year," I said.
        "And I know you'll continue to learn," Percy said. "You grow stronger from your mistakes and that is why I want to ask: will you be my wife?"
       I gaped at him. I am sure I looked like a startled fish for he caressed my cheek softly. Then, I answered him in the only way I knew how: I smiled and nodded. I heard whoops and we were carried out to the gardens and thrown into the fish pond. There, we had the best underwater kiss and we started our happily ever after.

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