3. Stop Having a Pity Party

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So you've talked with yourself about yourself and you've realised the fact that life is indeed full of disappointments. Now, you'll need to stop and let one thing sink in—the world doesn't revolve around you. Sure it's easy to say, "I'm not selfish!" or "I've never thrown a pity party!" but have you ever stop and wonder about how many times you think the people around you owes something to you?

For example; you post pictures of the things you found interesting on social media and immediately you thought to yourself, "wow, this is going to get so many likes!" or "I'm finally gonna get noticed!" and when it didn't, you get crushed. You began to wonder if you weren't enough and began to feel like absolute sh*t—in short, you get discouraged. Sure, the pictures you posted might seem cool, or that tweet you sent might seem like a platinum tweet but people don't care. They don't care about whether or not you worked hard to get that amazing shot you took on top of a building or if that video took hours to shoot—they don't care. People will care when they want to care, when it benefits them the most. 

The thing is that, I've been through these kinds of things a lot. Growing up with a passion for taking pictures, I liked it when people noticed my photos. A simple "Wow, this is great!" or even just a small "Cool!" gets me so hyped up that it makes me want to take even more pictures, but it doesn't work like that. You don't get noticed by posting the things you have passion in, you get noticed by doing stupid, useless things; a viral internet challenge, stupid comedy videos—things like that is what makes you get noticed. I might seem like an attention-wh*re but, it's nice when people notice your efforts. 

But then again, life's a big giant ball of disappointment anyways.

So yeah, it won't work like that, not in the way that you expect—but that's the beauty of it. You might get discouraged after a fail or two, but never stop. Maybe, just maybe, the 50th post will finally be the stepping stone for you to achieve that thing you've been dreaming for so long. Maybe. It might seem impossible now, but you might never know if you stopped. And God, don't even get me started on the things that forces you to stop; family decisions, judgemental friends, etc etc—they're not worth it. You want to be a rapper? Go be a rapper. You want to cook at a five star hotel? Go fucking do it. Why stop just because a few people told you so? Hell, I've been told not so pursue a degree in Engineering because "it is a man's job" like okay Becky, I didn't ask for your opinion.

Now go out there and be whatever you want

Except for villains. Don't be a villain.

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