Don't leave (part 2)

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AN: I know these are supposed to be oneshots but I wrote this as a part 2 for the previous one...
So it runs under the same name but actually it doesn't have that strong connection so I don't know...
Anyways,enjoy ;)

Warnings: So much fluff that can cause diabetes ^^

~~Jared POV~~

It's been 5 years since that time when we slept together in high school. I am preparing for getting my degree in computer sciences. Evan is already working as a Parks Manager after studying landscape science or something like that for a year or two.

We're living in the same apartment since he dropped out of university and the dorm was no longer an option for him.

And of course the most important thing is that we're together. It took us (or mostly me) two years to realize that what we have is far more special than family friends. Or even friends.

When we got to college, which was the same by some miracle, we were still just friends.

For the first few months I kept sending him pictures of random trees I've found on campus. It just wanted to tease him with his weirdly cute obsession but it soon became a habit. So now if I find a tree that I haven't seen before, I take a picture and send it to him.

Surprisingly, I could prevent most of his panic attacks. And he's been better with his anxiety too. He has new friends as well and he's been better with strangers too.

I got up. It's late Saturday afternoon and he will get home soon. And I promised him a dinner yesterday. I am not a great chef but even I can make a good Mac'n'Cheese.

I have a surprise for him but... I don't know... I will chicken out. It just doesn't feel like a good occasion.

When Evan got home, I was already done with everything. We had dinner together and cuddled in our bed watching another series of his.

As he was sleeping next to me I was thinking about what if... What if I asked him today? Would he said yes?

I glanced at the nightstand next to me which hid the small velvet box. I got it months ago. I know I want to do this but...

Ugh... I don't care. I have to do this before it gets me insane.

I grabbed my phone and started to plan our next day. He has a day off so he's mine all day. It will be perfect.


I spent the morning with last little modifications and second checks. And luckily Evan didn't notice any of it.

After we ate his delicious lunch (I would never go to a restaurant if I can have his food honestly) I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door.

"J, what are you doing?" He asked in confusion.

"What do you think? We're going out." I answered in my usual sarcastic tone to hide my nervousness.

It worked because he got ready without another word.

We got in my SUV and I started to drive.

After a long but comfortable silence (or at least for me it was) he spoke up. "Please tell me I didn't forget our anniversary." There was the usual worry in his voice.

I let out a chuckle. "Of course not. Don't act like that is even possible. But we didn't go out in like forever so I thought since both of us is free all day..."

"Oh... Okay" he said with a joyful expression. "So will you tell me where are we going?"

"And ruin the surprise? You wish" I stuck my tongue out.

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