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Nick returned to desk duty a day later. The doctor was very pleased with his recovery and while the scar was still pretty prominent, the tenderness was gone and he had full mobility. He hadn't gotten the clearance for full duty yet, but that would happen by the end of the week. He felt good, perfectly fine – a word Monroe hated hearing from him for some reason – and his first trip took him to the corner market where Clari was just wrapping up a transaction with a customer.

She smiled widely at him. "Detective! It's so good to see you!"

"Hello, Clari. How are you?"

"Very good. Now that I see you're back on duty, I'm even better. How are you?"

"Great, actually. I just have to convince the doctors and I'll be back for real. Desk duty for now."

She nodded. "I am so relieved."

"Hank told me you sent a box of donuts for the precinct. He's complaining about gaining weight."

Clare chuckled. "I know they like them."

"Thanks again. For everything." He turned serious. "I remember you visiting me. Thank you. I appreciate it."

She blushed a little. "I didn't want to disturb you, detective."

"You didn't. I'm actually quite flattered. I know you talked to Bob and he came by. I hated to have him scared of me without even knowing who I am. Aside from a Grimm."

"I told him. He said the blutbad was there, too."

"Monroe. His name is Monroe."

She nodded, accepting the hint. "He protects you." And that wasn't even a question.


"It's unusual. Then again, so are you, detective." Her hare features came to the forefront for a moment, then she quieted down. "I'm glad you are the Grimm around here, not anyone else. You're a good man."

She handed him his coffee and the donuts he hadn't even ordered.

"Thank you, Clari."

She smiled and waved off the cash. "On the house today."


"Not because you are a Grimm, detective. Because you are you. Because I want it."

Nick felt like blushing. He hated the fear and the caution creatures that had never harmed anyone showed him. He hated the fact that if he wanted to, he could blackmail them into servitude, leech off them. He wanted it clear right from the start that he wasn't that person.

Clari held out a hand, expression firm. "I promise, detective. No freeloading."

"Thank you." He smiled more and shook her hand. "I'll give your regards to Hank." He winked, then left.

Of course Hank was ecstatic to get the wonderful sweets. He was even more ecstatic to have his partner back. And Nick was more than glad to be back.

He had missed work. He had missed his colleagues. Sitting at home, the tension that had been between him and Monroe, all the complications in his life, and too much time to think about it all.

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