Chapter 18

18 2 6

Nate's POV

After dropping Ariana off, I spent another hour driving around with no real destination in mind, yet not completely pointlessly, driving down the length of . Aside from enjoying some quiet, obnoxious radio music turned off the moment she had left, I took the time to savour my triumph, and most importantly, relish in how utterly foolish and influenceable Ariana and Gage have turned out to be. Never had I felt before like such a masterful puppeteer, nudging my marionettes along with no visible strings but an entanglement of sheer mindpower and determination.

A match truly made by the divine, as Gage used to sometimes say, staring dreamily in the middle distance while gushing over a decidedly average girl in a manner I could only describe as pathetic and unjustifiable. Thank you, god, for bending the odds in my favour, at least for once.

The sly smile that had been slowly spreading across my face like oil on a blank canvas waned as another person wormed their way into my thoughts. That girl, Kaylah, who was too inquisitive for her own good. Some people never take to heart some of the more ancient proverbs, not stopping to think that they might have been kept alive for a well-founded reason. In particular, one consecrated phrase known by every kindergartener, had always rung much too accurate for most people's comfort, yet always seemed to fit most situations I was involved in. Curiosity killed the cat.

For a moment, I wondered how the situation would have progressed if their roles were reversed. At that, my smile only spread wider, turning maniacal, to the detriment of the women who just so happened to be crossing the street right in front of my car, who after glimpsing my face made a considerable effort to walk faster, dragging her toddler along in long strides.

Had the roles been reversed, Ariana would have probably not been so inquisitive, too caught up in her jealousy towards Kaylah to notice anything amiss. However, in this given situation, how I could exploit that lovely seed of conflict was something I had yet to work on.

Until then, however, I would have to be careful, much more careful that I had been before. Most importantly, I must be careful who she speaks to, and what she finds out. Because I'm not certain I would be able to get rid of her if need be.

Honking from behind made me realise I had been staring forward for much too long, the light now green, and I changed course, heading home, my little drive having served its intended purpose.

The apartment smelled exactly the same as three hours ago, despite the fact that I had pulled open every window. Of sweat and faint perfume. Scrunching my nose against the disconcerting smell, I began to change the sheets with quick and swift movements, replacing them with an identical set of pristinely white sheets, before promptly collapsing on top of them. Well, gingerly sitting would most likely be a more fitting description, as I was careful to sit in such way as to minimize crinkles, which of course proved futile nonetheless.

Nate, you're slipping again. Knowing the voice (which sounded awfully like Gage's, mind you) was right, I leaned over to the side, pulling open my bedside drawer. Obviously, laying down in the stark middle of the bed then stretching over to open your bedside table isn't the most practical, as I pulled a tad too hard, spilling the contents of the drawer onto the floor, the pill bottle making an reverberating clank as it hit the granite floor, rolling under the bed.

Now annoyed, I pulled myself up roughly, sheets crinkling uncomfortably and moved so I could reach my hand under the bed without getting up. However, my hand stalled as I lay my eyes on a photograph, crinkled by the amount of times I had pulled it out and balled it up, only to carefully lay it smooth again.

Gage and I, the summer before freshman year. Before everything went to shit. I was smiling, a genuine smile, and his arms was thrown around my shoulders casually, camera he had given me as a gift that day held aloft.

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