Getting Lost in a Dream

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When I was five my parents died in a car crash I was emotionally unstable and couldn't speak for years and to this day it's hard for me to even express my feelings that was when I started drawing what I was feeling instead. I was in this amazing foster family when we got in a car crash and I was seriously injured and my foster parents didn't survive. I was immediately sent to the hospital and I hated the hospitals and ambulances scared me severely.The other thing I hated was needles but I will have to worry about that later.
I was taken in the ambulance and I was so scared the person tried asking questions but I didn't answer back so she thought I was deaf or something but I didn't know sign language. When we arrived they didn't know my name or age and at the moment I was scared and I guess some of the doctors knew I was too.
I was in so much pain I started whimpering.
"Hey guys she's in pain we need to get her to the OR" a doctor said.
Then I started to cry.
"Hey———it's going to be ok"another doctor said.
"My name is Callie what's yours"another doctor asked.
I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out.
"Oh she's dumb" another doctor says.
"Good job Karev you finally got something right" another doctor says.
I laugh and smile.
I motion for writing.
"Oh you want to write to us" the doctor says.
I nod.
Someone hands me a sketching book.
"Hi, everyone my name is Averianna I'm 12 years old I don't speak because when I was 5 my parents died in a car crash and I haven't spoke since now another pair of my parents died and I feel all alone and everything hurts and I can't take it anymore I just want to be happy. I was traumatized by the accident at 5 that I just had no feeling of ever speaking again." I write.
"Hi Averianna this is Alex, Arizona, Meredith, Izzie, George and I'm Dr. Bailey" She says.
I nod.
"It's nice to meet you all." I write.
"You too"They say.
"So can we explain all your injuries to you honey are you ok with that" Dr. Bailey says.
I nod.
"So you have multiple wounds throughout your body and multiple fractures on you wrist Callie or Dr. Torres will put a cast of you and then we will have to take a shard of glass out of your stomach area then Dr. Shepherd will have to check on your head injury with the CT scan" Dr. Bailey says.
"Which one first?" I write.
"We'll do the head injury first" Dr. Bailey says.
"Dr. Bailey can I pull the shard of glass out of her" Christina says.
"Sure" Dr. Bailey says.
Callie then comes in.
Dr. Bailey and everyone else left.
"Hey how you doing I heard I have to put a cast on you"She says.
I nod.
"Are you nervous about it because of the kids I do cry" She says.
"I'm tough I can handle it that's what a foster kid mostly goes through." I write.
She looks at me sadly.
"Your a foster kid"She says.
I nod.
"Well, my wife and I have been wanting a kid for a while and we never really liked doing a surrogate or insemination stuff which I bet you don't know what I'm talking about but we are wanting to be foster parents and we have all the stuff we just never really had gotten a kid yet"She says.
"I can be your first kid"I write.
I show it to her.
"You would do that",She says.
"Yah I never really liked have a father figure really I've really wanted a mother figure" I say.
Everyone looked surprised outside when they noticed I could speak.
People were speaking for days on end that Callie broke her or something like that.
"Well my wife will be so happy when I tell her we can have a daughter" She says.
I start to cry.
"What's wrong sweetie" She asks.
"I've never heard that word for a long time" I say.
She looks at me happily.
"Well your going to be our daughter now" She says.
"Really" I say.
"Yes now I'll have to tell my wife then we'll see when you can come home" She says.
"Ok thank you" I say.
I hug her and she hugs me back.
"Ow" I say.
"What's wrong baby" She says.
"My side really hurts Callie" I say.
"Ok I'll go get Yang" She says.
"Ok" I say.
She gets Yang.
"Christina get the shard out of her she's hurting"Callie says.
"Ok I'll do it" Christina says.
Callie can you stay with me I'm scared I say.
"Of course sweetie" She says.
"Ok so we're going to give you an anesthetic to help you sleep"Christina says.
"Ok" I say worried.
"Hey Avery you'll be fine" Callie says.
"Are you sure"I say.
"Yes I'm positive" She says.
"Ok I believe you" I say.
"So we're going to give it to you now ok your going to get sleepy then you'll be ready for surgery" Christina says.
"Ok bye Callie" I say.
"Bye sweetie":She says.
She kisses me on the forehead.
They give me the medicine and I fall asleep and then they do the surgery.
When I woke up my side felt a little sore and I looked to my right and left and Callie was on my right and one of the other doctors was on my left.
"Callie" I says.
"Avery you woke up good so while you were asleep Derek did your head and I did your cast and I didn't know what color so I did green if that's ok" She says.
"Yah it's great I love green" I say.
"Ok so the women next to you is actually my wife her name is Arizona"Callie says.
"Ok thank you Callie" I say.
"Your welcome honey now get some rest we'll be leaving soon" She says.
"Can you lay by me"I ask.
"Sure" She says.
She lays by me and I snuggle into her.
I fall asleep for a while until I was woken up lightly.
I then got scared and teary eyed and I then realized it was Callie and her wife Arizona were up and ready.
"Hey—— it's ok Avery it's Arizona and I ok"She says soothing me.
"Phew" I say relieved.
"Hey sweetie I guess you know who I am by now" Arizona says.
"Yah your going to be one of my new moms" I say.
They both smile.
"Can I call you mom and mama if that's ok" I say.
"Oh sweetie that's all we ever wanted" Callie says.
"So can I call you mama" I say to Callie.
"And can I call you mom"I say to Arizona.
"Sure they both" say.
I get up moaning in a little bit of pain and then they both help me.
"Thank you mom and mama" I say.
I hug them both.
"Your welcome sweetie" Callie says.
"Your welcome hun" Arizona says.
"I can't believe I have a family again" I say.
"Well you'll have us for the rest of your life and we'll never leave you we promise" Callie says.
Thanks mama I say.
"We've been wanting to hear those words for a very long time" Arizona says.
"Well now you'll be hearing it a lot mom" I say.
"Good "Arizona says.
Then a nurse comes in and gives Callie a discharge form.
She signs it and gives it back to the nurse.
"Here let's help you get undressed and dressed into your old clothes" Arizona says.
"Ok mom but doesn't it have blood on it" I say.
"No I cleaned them"Callie says.
"Oh ok mama" I say.
"Mom what do you do in this hospital" I ask.
"I'm a PEDS surgeon" She says.
"Cool so you save kids who are sick" I say.
"Yah"She says.
"I love kids" I say.
"Yah me too"Callie says.
"Yah that's why I became an PEDS" She says.
"Oh that's cool" I say.
So they helped me get changed and it hurt a lot and I started crying and I leaned on Callie for support and she let me.
"Hey baby what would you like to do after we go eat somewhere nice"Mama says.
"Um I would like to go home and watch a movie with you or get to know my moms"I say.
"Yes we should do that——that would be very nice"Mom says.
What I didn't know was that I was getting lost in a dream and that that would change my life forever.

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