Mind Of Memories

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Cold sweat dripped down my forehead as I awoke from a nightmare. My hands trembled as I pulled my phone to my face and the screen displayed a bright '2:36am'.

I glanced around the gloomy room using the flashlight on my phone, confused as to where I was until my groggy mind recalled yesterdays events. I moved myself to stand and took shaky steps against the wall to find a first aid kit.

I struggled to move as even light breaths were straining my mangled ribs. 'I can do it, just ignore the pain.' I thought to myself as I gritted my teeth and hobbled to the back of the warehouse.

I stumbled through the door of the back room and fumbled around for the first aid kit. 'Just need to find some pain killers.' I encouraged myself as I pried open the much needed kit.

I snatched the pills out of the kit and swallowed them hastily. I needed to treat my wounds and clean myself up.

I had 3 broken ribs and hues of purple and black littering my whole body like it was paint on a canvas. I gritted my teeth with bone crushing force and controlled the waves of pain that smashed through my entire body as I realigned my ribs the best I could with the limited medical supplies available.

My face contorted in pain as I finished wrapping the last bandage around my bruised and blooded chest.

I turned and puased as I caught a glimpse of my topless body in a shard of glass. Their were bruises all over my torso and down my arms, each in various stages of healing. The finger shaped bruises on my neck were fitted perfectly to my Father's hand as I traced my delicate finger over them.

What stuck out to me the most was the deep scarring over my back and pale arms, along with my alarmingly visible bones.

I don't care enough to eat and I take pills to keep my body from giving up completely, the scars scattered around my body are from when my mother passed. Some were a 'lesson' from my Father and the rest were self inflicted. It was the only way to cope with the devastating news of her passing and my brothers final departure before I lost him.

I don't harm myself as often as I used to, instead I go to the gym everynight possible to cope and train. Sometimes I can't handle the cruelty of the world and its the only way to escape.

My eyes flickered back to the long, deep scar placed in the center of my spine as my eyes clouded over. Dark and unwelcomed flashbacks swarmed my mind of memories.


I had just burst through the front door after a boring day of school, my mood was sky high as I had received a letter from my brother, Big Wolf, as I called him.

He was coming home tomorrow for spring break and I would be able to spend time with him after 3 boring months without that alien.

I skipped into the kitchen beaming with joy while holding the necklace that my brother and I both received from my Mother before Big Wolf left.

I scampered around the large mansion, trying to find my Father to tell him the more than exciting news.

I ran into his office without knocking as my excitement was on the edge of overflowing. I met my Father's eyes as he slowly lifted his head from the desk with an unreadable expression.

I stopped skipping and played with my pigtails nervously as his gaze pierced through me.

He stood up from his desk and slammed his hands on the wooden slab, I jumped back as the man that I knew as my sweet and loving Father had changed into a figure of a scary monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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