Under the tree

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I decide to walk to the small gardens on campus, only a few steps away, but hidden. I've never seen anybody else there but me and Jonah.

As I got there and sat down on the grass, my back against a large weeping willow, his voice enters my ears.

Jungkook POV

What if she lets someone else hear? What if she doesn't like it? There's probably about an hour's worth of music on that thing. I purposefully left out the music planned for the album. It's not finished yet and it needs to be perfect before someone even glances at it.

Instead of sitting at my desk, bouncing my knee, I decide to get up and get some lunch while I wait.

I grab a slice of pizza from the cafeteria, pay and then start walking back towards the door.

"Hey Mr Jeon!" a voice shouts. I spin around to find the owner of the voice and see one on my students, Evie, jogging up to meet me.

"Evie. What can I help you with?"

"I was wondering. Can you tutor me after college hours? I could really use the extra help." she says, while tilting her head slightly to the side. Somehow I don't believe she needs extra help. Her work in classes seems above average.

"You need help?" I question. I already know the answer. 

"Yes, I'm struggling to keep up sir. If I had your number we could organise a time for it?"

"Maybe you should ask some of your fellow students. If you actually feel that you are struggling, I'm sure Y/N would be happy to help you. Your work seems good to me." After this I walk away. I don't have time to tutor students that don't need it. Time to eat.


The final song ends and as luck would have it, Jungkook comes and sits down next to me, his back also against the tree. I take my headphones out. Jungkook isn't looking at me, just at the sky. 

"What did you think?" he says.

"I don't even know how to describe it. The music is beautiful." As I say this, he glances over to me and smiles. The first genuine smile of the day. His eyes are still tired but he looks content for the first time today.

"I'm glad you think so. I'm sorry to put so much pressure on you. You ask too many questions for me to dodge." He relaxes into the tree and leans his head against the bark.

"Jungkook. Why are you teaching? Why not just pursue your dream?"

"My family are not so keen on creative arts. I want to make them happy as well as myself."
I nodded in response, as if I understood. I can't imagine not being able to do what I wanted to do. I chose to do math.

"Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy teaching. Students like you make it worth it." he added. He looked into my eyes. He's a lot more gentle than he likes to let on.

"Can you promise me something sir?"

"It depends what it is. But I suppose, if you can promise not to call me sir in this kind of situation again."
I didn't really know what he meant. What kind of situation are we in?

"Can you please get at least 8 hours of sleep tonight?" I say this to him, almost pleading. It's not good for either of us when he gets too little sleep. He is moody in classes.

"I promise I'll try. Okay?"
I nod in approval. I think that's the best I'm going to get. He holds his hand out, waiting for me to return the iPod.

"So, you're not going to let me keep it?" I say, teasing. he knows what I'm doing and smirks, while signalling for me to hurry up and give it to him. Once I do, he stands and leaves, without another word.

Is it bad that I want him to stay?

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