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Working in the Furby Corp. building has its perks. For one, the pay is fantastic. Even a secretary like me earns enough to live in a nice house and afford the prestigious work uniforms. My name's (Y/n), by the way. (Y/n) (L/n). I was just transferred to the main building to work for a new boss. I get the privilege of working right next to the main man- Long Furby himself. 

I've never even seen a picture of him, but I've heard the rumors. He lives in a mansion off the coast of LA and owns two private jets. I don't think half of the people in this building alone have ever seen his face. People talk, though, and I've heard enough to know that he's hot. I caught myself fantasizing about his long, curvy body while I was making my way to my new office and I was almost ashamed. Almost. I have comfort in knowing I'm far from the only one. 

As soon as I stepped foot into my brand-new workspace I audibly gasped in awe. Everything was neatly polished and had a deliciously modern vibe. A huge window took up most of the wall across from me, and it beautifully showcased the busy skyline and streets below. I ran a hand along the wall and sat down on the sofa, studying one of the throw pillows in disbelief. Good Lord, if this was my office I couldn't even imagine my boss's. 

"Mx. (L/n)? How are you finding your office?" A woman poked her head through the doorframe and I looked up in surprise.

"Oh! It's... amazing!" I smiled and stood up to greet her.

"Lovely. If you're all settled in, the boss would like to see you." 

"R-right now?" I'm not emotionally prepared!

"If that's okay with you. His office is to the left, you'll know it when you see it." She nodded and then quickly disappeared back into the hall. I heard the clacking of her heels fade off in the opposite of my destination.

"It can't be that hard." I gulped and stepped foot out into the corridor. Turning to my left, I could see a dead end with a door right in the middle. I took my time getting there, imagining him over and over in my head. When I finally reached a hand out to knock on the ebony door, I was shaking with excitement and fear.

"Sir? May I come in?" I called, trying to keep my voice stable. I was about to meet one of the most famous people in the world.

"The door's unlocked. I've been expecting you." I got even shakier when I heard his voice. It was like nothing I'd heard before. I turned the doorknob and pulled gently, hearing the door click open. I took a breath and pulled it wider.

"It- It's nice to finally m-meet you, s-s-sir..!" I internally facepalmed at my awkwardness, but I could've sworn I saw a smirk form on his beaklike lips. I closed the door behind me and stood awkwardly. I was too fixated on his face to notice anything about my surroundings.

"It's good to meet you too, (Y/n). I've heard wonderful things about you." It was barely noticeable, but his tongue darted out to lick his lip. "Come have a seat."

I made my way over to his desk and awkwardly sat down at a single chair across from his. The light from an extravagantly large window much like my own hit his face perfectly, outlining every detail that made him beautiful. I looked down at my hands to stop myself from staring too long.

"I-I've heard so much about you," I attempted to break the silence, "but you're much more attractive in person!" My face flushed crimson and I internally facepalmed when I realized what I'd said. He didn't seem to mind much, though. He just looked amused. 

"Thank you. Nobody cared to mention your charisma either." I blushed at his words and we were once again plunged into another period of silence.

"So... Is there anything you need me to do...?" I offered nervously.

"Not at the moment. I do want to show you around- Is it okay if you stay overtime? People tend to overreact when I leave my office.." He rolled his eyes.

"Of course! Should I just stay in my office until then?" 

"Sure. You can mingle with the other employees if you'd like. You basically have the day off." He yawned slightly and reached to open his laptop. "If you don't mind, I'm going to catch up on some work."

"Would you like me to bring you a coffee?" I  stood up and checked the time on my phone.

"Make it black," He ordered, eyes still fixed on his laptop, "with two cubes of sugar."

"Yes sir." I hastily turned towards the door to hide the blush on my face. He was especially attractive when he took such a commanding tone. Once I was out of the office I went downstairs to retrieve the beverage. I'm pretty sure I had a coffee machine in my own office, but I wanted to meet the people I'd be working with. Nobody really seemed approachable, though- They either pretended I didn't exist or made sure to stay out of my way. Did they fear me? My position? Once I had the coffee I was more than happy to get back to solitude. I sort of felt bad for my boss; working with these people couldn't be pleasant.

When I reached the door to his office I once again knocked before entering. He was fixated on his work and hardly responded outside of taking the cup from my hands when it was offered to him. I hope he isn't overworking himself, I thought. That's supposed to be my job.

Once I was finished with my task I wasn't sure what to do. I reviewed some of the information I was given. I hadn't missed anything, so I lied down on the sofa and browsed my phone for a while. Eventually, that got boring, and I ended up just letting myself daydream. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in a dimly lit room and wearing... a dress? I must be dreaming, I thought. A figure started moving across from me, but I couldn't quite make out its face. Then a familiar voice echoed around me. 

"(Y/n). There you are." 

"L-Long Furby?!" I gasped as he came into view. He was wearing the same jacket he had been when I first met him, except there wasn't a shirt underneath. Just silky soft fur.

"I see you've been waiting for me." He glanced down at the wine glasses in front of me. I hadn't even realized they were there. I tried to stand up and leave, but something stopped me. Before I knew it, my boss was leaning towards my face. I was paralyzed in shock as his beaked lips inched closer to mine.

"(Y/n)?" He stopped and everything started to get darker. Blurrier. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

I opened my eyes to see Long Furby standing over me. Sweat plastered my forehead but somehow I found myself extremely turned on.

"I was going to call you, but I don't have your number." He watched as I sat up.

"O-Oh, it's (XXX-XXX-XXXX)." I answered, trying not to look him in the eye.

"Did you have a nightmare?" 

"I... don't know..." I stood up and smoothed down my clothes. Who even sleeps in an office? "How long was I asleep for?"

"Just an hour. Long enough for most people to leave, though. I should probably start showing you around."

"Y-yeah, sounds good." 

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