Chapter One- The Academy

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~OKAY so I really really really wanted to do this, and shine some light on a character that doesn't have a lot of attention in the anime/manga soooo yes yes yes here you go ;) ~

They told me i'd be safer away from the U.S. Maybe he wouldn't find me, because apparently everywhere else he would. Back when I was his "slave", doing his dirty work, I was different looking. Hair as white as snow, eyes as red as blood, skin as pale as a vampire's. When I was relocated to Japan, they cut my hair, which was past my waist, to my shoulders. Gave me golden colored eye contacts and dyed my hair brown. They told me I had to be someone that i'm not. I could keep my name as long as I kept on the down low, or change it. I preferred to change it to Scarlet Emmerson. My old name didn't fit my "new" personality that I had to keep up. They gave me heavy medication for depression, anxiety, PTSD, packed my instrument and clothes, and sent me on the first plane to Japan. Haven been given an apartment and being payed every month, the government is going to an extent to keep me away from America's most dangerous criminal. 


I walked into my new apartment, a dragging tiredness from jet lag. The lady at the front door looked bothered when she seemed to have greeted me and I just waved. Oh well. I collapsed on my bed, dropping my suitcase and cello case,  falling asleep.

I woke up to a phone call. It was already morning? I reluctantly picked up the phone.


"Scarlet, hey, you have a cab coming for you to take you to your new school."

I sighed.

"Yeah, okay."

He had something more to say, but I hung up. Time to get ready. 

I don't think I really wanted to give the effort to prepare, so I just took my pills and put on my school uniform. It has a horrid girly yellow dress. I grabbed my cello from the other side of the room. Brushing my hair as I walked out the door, my cab was just outside the apartments. The school wasn't very far, so we arrived in a matter of minutes. The academy was a huge building, nothing compared to what we had back in the US. They told me this was an academy for extremely rich students. I gripped the handle of my cello case and walked towards the entrance.

The day had gone pretty slow, and no one had walked me around. I was considered a third year, and the classes were supposed to be really hard. But i'd already learned half the curriculum. At lunch, I didn't feel like eating so I decided to find a music room to practice my cello. Some kid had told me that Music room #3 was abandoned, but he also had a smirk on his face. I don't know what that meant, but it couldn't be good. 

Finally, locating the music room, I opened the door.

"Oh, a new customer!" A small boy said, his brown eyes wide and glowing.

"Hello, princess." A blond boy with sparkling blue eyes waved.

I looked to the side and sighed. Smiling, I turned back.

"Hi! I'm sorry, i'm new here. I thought this was an abandoned music room?"

"Oh no! You must not have heard, this is the host club's room." A black haired boy with glasses said from behind blue eyes.

I giggled, over exaggerating. 

"Whoops! I'm sorry, i'll be leaving now."

"Oh please don't! Come sit at my table! Have you eaten? You can have cake! Green tea cake, chocolate cake, or strawberry cake?"  The brown eyed, blond haired boy  furrowed his brows in concentration. "Eat them all!" 

Several girls sitting at his table giggled.

"Honey, you're so cute!" A girl with black hair swooned. I looked down and sighed once again. Then, looking up, I put on a huge smile.  

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