(6) Stealing the hostage (6)

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~Sorry for the late update!~

I was finally out of the hospital, strong and just like my former self- with the exception of a bullet scar which would never go.

Roy was the first one to pick me up, and take me directly to his office to fill me in on the details.

"You're brother is located just outside of central." He said "they're hiding in an abandoned house. Winry seems to have plenty of weapons- so you have to be careful when entering"

Riza seemed to notice and looked up "you're not going Furher?" She asked but Roy shook his head "I'm going. It's just I'm warning him"

I smirked. Finally. Revenge. He couldn't fill me in on anymore details before I was up and running out of the office, running into people towards the exit. I didn't even hear if Roy called after me.

By the time I was there, though, Roy was in front of me. He must of taken a car, while I was left running all through central. I sat down and panted heavily. Roy took me to his car just on the other end of a hill. "You're very bad at listening, you know?"

I nodded "yeah." I said "I want big brother back and winry is finally going to die so i can get him"

He sighed but nodded "I know, Al, but first we have to get ed out of that house. We both know winry.. isn't that smart when it comes to this stuff. She always gets kidnapped and gets in the way- therefore it should be fairly easy. That, and that she has pretty much only shot you in her entire life- she couldn't be that good at aiming from a distance."

I nodded. Roy was right, Winry wasn't that smart. I thought "Well she's never been to another town or place to get food so far" I said "so maybe she'll go out to get some"

Roy nodded "that, or simply light a fire at the end of the house and while she left and ran, or is at least distracted, we run in and steal Fullmetal."

I thought of that. Winry was awfully scared of houses burning down, so maybe this would work "we don't know where ed is though" I told him quickly. He seemed to think about it "good point. And, im not exactly the sneakiest. I could get Lieutenant Hawkeye in there, or looking in with the sniper"

I thought about that "just the sniper will do. Only I'm rushing in there, it's my brother after all" he couldn't argue with that "Fine. You're just like your brother" he grumbled and I glared at him again, he put his hands up

"I'll get the lieutenant to come then" he said. Oh Yeah, riza had been promoted directly up to (whichever one would be beside Mustang all the time), but he still called her lieutenant by request of her. Others know better though.

I don't know if it was because Roy kept messing up so she just told him, or she preferred being called that. Well, another acception was me. She let me directly call her Hawkeye, which definetly made Roy grumble a bit, but it's because I'm not really in the military, and im not really formal either anymore.

Anyways, when riza got here it seemed like it would be forever for her to pinpoint eds location. However, by the sound of Roy mumbling where he is I jerked to reality. Roy stood up and looked directly at me after telling riza to stay and cover us- shooting to knock out and not kill if we were threatened.

Roy then lit the fire.

Everything worked just as planned, we snuck in while winry was freaked out about the fire, i picked up ed after Roy cut him out of the ropes holding him still, and we both ran out. I was surprised I could carry him- but I guess that I really got strong when I was working to get my muscles back.

I looked at my panicked brother with love in my eyes as I hugged him tightly, shaking

"I have you back brother.. now, let's get you home, then I have one more thing to finish off before we can be happy.. forever!"

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