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I thank you guys so much for how well-recieved the first chapter(s) was! I JUST LOVE YOU, OKAY?

Jack checked in on the Doctor while she slept. She was so peaceful and quiet when she was asleep. He smiled, remembering when she first came around as a baby. She was so adorable and a completely normal human. Jack went to the dining room. He did a lot of thinking there. And worrying. The Doctor was practically his daughter, he was all she had and the only one who loved him, and vice versa.


Jack left the grocery store, eager to get back to his vehicle and not be seen in such a place. This was a chore for a woman or something to be doing, not him. Not that he knew any women anymore, but still. He opened the door to the back seat to put the bags in but froze. There was a baby on the seat. The only life form in the car, alone. Staring at him with too-intelligent eyes, waiting for him to do something. Jack stood up and looked around. He was alone with the baby on a practically dead street. He bent back down. The infant was still there. "Hey there, kid." he cooed. The baby's round, pink face lit up with laughter and it reached out a chubby hand to Jack's face. Jack chuckled at the child and set the groceries on the floor. He picked up the soft pink blanket swathed baby. "Where's your mommy?"

"Gah." it giggled. Jack pinched the pink blanket between two fingers. "You're either a girl or have cruel parents. Looks like we'll be here for a while." he sat on the seat with his legs out of the car. He cradled the baby and talked to it for at least an hour without anyone coming to claim it. Jack sighed. "I dunno, kid. Where did you come from? After the obvious." he mumbled. A big black van came barrelling down the road, its path dangerously in line with Jack's legs and the car door. Jack pulled himself and the baby into the car and hooked his foot through the window then yanked it shut just as the van sped past leaving behind a cardboard box in the middle of the road. "What the hell was that about?" Jack asked himself and set the kid in the passengers' seat before getting out and cautiously picking up the box. 

When he opened it, he found a picture of the baby paperclipped to several other papers. Jack flipped the picture up and scanned the papers before looking over at the baby in confusion. He was holding adoption papers for the baby named the Doctor. And they were signed by him. 


It'd been thirteen years since then. The papers didn't contain the names of the parents or any of the important things. Only her name and birth date. And his signature. He recognized it as his own, but it had to be forged. There wasn't any possible way for him to have signed that. He never wanted a kid, but he didn't regret it. The Doctor wasn't as memorable as the Doctor he'd met before. The Time Lord with the big, blue box. Jack thought of the stuck locket she had wrapped in that pink blanket with her. It had engraved on the front what he recognized as Gallifreyan. He couldn't read it, but he'd seen it before. He had no idea what the hell the it was for, but it had to be more than just coincidence that her name was the Doctor and she possessed a locket with Gallifreyan written on it. 

Jack pondered the question he'd been wrestling with for thirteen years and still hadn't figured out. One he couldn't find the answer to no matter where he searched. 

Was he raising a regeneration of the Doctor?

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