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Dedicated to Pippy231 for giving me the motivation to write this up. :)

Also did you guys know that 'Torchwood' is an anagram for Doctor Who? 

"We're moving to the Tower." Jack said. The Doctor's brow pulled into a frown. "Why? I don't want to move to the Tower."

"Why not, you love the Tower." 

"But I don't want to live there! Why are we moving anyway?" the Doctor was opposed to relocating because she liked her bedroom. It was her habitat, where she grew up. She didn't want to leave that history all the way across Cardiff. "It's about your heart."

"My heart has been fine for the past few years! And the hospital is right around the corner."

"We have medical equipment at the Tower. It's closer."

"I have history at my hospital. And here! I know this street like the back of my hand!" the Doctor stood up over Jack with her arms crossed. "You can't just dig me up and plant me at Torchwood."

"Doctor, I have to. It's for the best." Jack stood up. He was taller than her by nearly a foot. The Doctor didn't back up, didn't look intimidated. She was strong. Sometimes Jack was proud of that. And sometimes it was maddening. Like now. Now she was being stubborn. He decided to tell her what was going on. Partially anyway. "I know this man-"

"You know lots of men." the Doctor smirked. Jack blew a breath out above her head. "I don't know this man like that. This man is an alien, he travels through time. He knows a lot of things, and he knows about your hearts. He said it was best if no one found out that you're different." Jack explained. The Doctor was more of a logical thinker and knew what was fair, she wasn't the sort to stand by her own needs over what was right. "Oh. Who is he?"

"I don't know if I can tell you that yet. But he's very, very important. He knows what he's talking about. It's a lot safer for you if we move to Torchwood." Jack searched her eyes for the agreement he knew was coming. She nodded. "Okay. When do we leave?"

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