Chapter 1

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He looked at the large school building in front of him. Midtown High School, one of the top schools in New York where students are groomed to success. Troy Spartan was not at all worried about being the new kid at school, despite his 18 year old appearance he was quite older than he looked. With millennium years.

He watched the other group of teenagers enter the school, before heading for the inside as well.


"Troy Spartan. Eighteen year old. Exchange student from Greece". The woman at the desk said as she read his documents. "You don't look Greek to me".

"I get that a lot". Troy replied, with a neutral expression.

The woman smiled,"You don't sound like one either".

He cracked a small smile.

"Well, here's your schedule. Your homeroom is Room 58. Have a great day".

He nodded his thanks and took the schedule page.

He didn't know what he was thinking attending school. He basically knew everything in the name of knowledge but he guessed he had to attend school so the law didn't get suspicious.

Then he bumped into a red and black blur.

He took a good look at the figure and saw that it was a girl, she was beautiful and attractive but he didn't have time for that.

"I'm sorry about that". The girl said, fixing the strap of the bag that was on her left shoulder.

"Actually, it was my fault. I was deep in thought and didn't pay attention where I was going". He replied.

"Oh. Hey, I've never seen you here before. So I'm guessing you must be new". She said.

"Yeah. I think I'm lost, I'm supposed to be at Room 58".

"That's my homeroom! I guess we're gonna be in the same homeroom". She said.

"I guess so". He said, with a small smile.

"Well, let's go together. I was heading there myself. FYI, you were totally going the wrong way". She said.

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"What's your name anyway?". She asked.

"Troy. Troy Spartan".

"Well, Troy. I'm Michelle, it's great to meet you".

"Great to meet you too". He replied.

"So where you from?". She asked.

"Greece". He replied.

"Huh, you don't look like one".

He smiled,"I get that a lot".

Homeroom 58

Michelle and Troy opened the door and entered the quiet atmosphere of the classroom. The teacher looked up upon hearing them enter and stood up.

"Ah, Michelle. Glad you could finally join us". The teacher said.

"Sorry for being late, Mrs. Anderson". Michelle responded.

Mrs. Anderson then shifted her attention to the teenager standing next to Michelle.

"Who's your friend?". She asked.

"Oh. He's new, he was kind of lost so I brought him because we bumped into each other early".

"Ah, of course. You must be Troy Spartan, the exchange student from Greece".

Troy nodded.

"Any relation to the Spartan warriors from Sparta?". The teacher asked.

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