Chapter 17

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Darkforce flew the craft through the sky at a steady pace, he saw on the jet's monitors that they were getting closer to their destination. He punched a few buttons on the console and the jet started to slow down and the landing gear appeared and the jet landed on the ground. He turned in his seat and saw Wanda asleep in her seat, he looked a little further into the back and saw Spiderman sleeping as well.

He got to his feet and walked into the back and approached the sleeping spider, he gently shook him awake.

"Hey, Pete. Time to get up". Darkforce said.

Spiderman groaned and shifted slightly before rising in his seat slowly, he looked at the dark hero and just yawned.

"Where?". Peter asked.

"Iran". Darkforce said, before heading for Wanda.

Spiderman yawned again,"So we're in the desert, huh? Hydra can be quite very discreet".

"Yeah". Darkforce said,"Hey, beauty queen. Time to get up".

Wanda moaned and opened her eyes,"Oh my gosh. Are we here already?".

"Yep". Darkforce said.

"Why are we in the middle of the desert, Troy? We can easily storm the base with the Quinjet, it has very deadly weapons". Wanda said.

"Not while there are innocent lives at stake, Wanda. Especially your brother". Wanda looked down when she heard him mention her brother."So in situations like this, you have to be very discreet. And besides, getting Tony's Quinjet damaged is actually a bad idea".

"You have done this before, have you? You know, infiltrating secret bases". Spiderman said.

"Lots of times. I once infiltrated a Japanese palace and killed its emperor. I only did it because he was an evil ruler". Darkforce said.

"I take it you gained your speed and fast reflexes training from Japanese Shinobi". Wanda guessed.

"Yeah. The period before that my fighting style was sloppy and barbaric, because of my Spartan training. But the Japanese Shinobi decided to help me condition my fighting style after I helped them eliminate the Emperor". Darkforce said.

"Wow, you met ninjas". Spiderman said.

"Questions later. Now we got a mission to do". Darkforce said.

"The sooner we get it done, the sooner we can get out of here". Wanda said.


Darkforce scanned the base. It was heavily guarded by Hydra agents, they all looked heavily alert. It was so extreme that any sound that was made, send them into a guarded response. It was a large facility and it was gonna be difficult finding Pietro, they barely even came up with a plan on how to save the other mutants.

"Looks heavily guarded". Spiderman said.

"Guards were never a problem to me". Wanda said, as her eyes glinted red momentarily.

"Not so fast, Scarlet babe. We need a plan". The dark hero said.

"Scarlet babe?". Wanda asked.

"So what's the plan?". Spiderman asked.

"We need to take out the guards that are outside. That way, they will not be able to alert those that are inside. But we need to be quick". Darkforce said.

"Luckily, being quiet is one of my other powers". Spiderman said.

"Let's go". Wanda said, before stalking into the inner zone of the base.

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