Chapter 1

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Ban's always been mesmerized by the Captain. Who wasn't?

He's always been interested in getting to know the lithe five foot body that never failed to leave him as close to death's door as the immortal could be, and yet so fucking aroused, his head was spinning.

The Captain always woke up hours before anyone else. He was up everyday somewhere around 5am without fail.

Ban knocked himself out early in hopes of waking up in time to catch just what the hell their leader did at 5 am everyday.

Surprisingly he semi-succeeded it was nearing 7, but Captain was out behind the Boar Hat laying on the grass right now doing some sort of calming body exercise Ban didn't care to know the name of. From the looks of it, the moves required some extreme flexibility to be pulled off and the fox sin found himself once again entranced by how that little body containing way too much power could move so fluidly.

Meliodas then bent over giving him a perfect view of his ass. Ban could feel himself rising to attention, it was inevitable. Especially when the Captain steadily lifts leg into the air forming a split and then keeps it going until its planted into the ground. Meliodas could lift his hands and his feet could still support him.

Ban stepped out the window before Meliodas could see him giving a fang grinned at no one in particular.

The little shit could tease him all he wanted, he thought, staring at the dark rope sitting in a corner of the room. "I'll have my way soon enough."


It was later that night Ban had bound Meliodas to his bed. After this morning's performance he wasted no time putting his plan into action. It was universally known Meliodas wasn't gay, but Ban's a don't-knock-it-til-you-try-it kind of guy and he thinks, if just for a night, he could get captain to enjoy feeling bigger hands groping him for a change.

Ban's tongue was slowly flicking over the Captain's neck when he heard his leader's breathing change. He gave him a few moments to assess the situation.

"Ban." Meliodas had a warning tone to his voice, much like the time when sticky fingers got a grip on the hilt of his broken sword. But this time wasn't impulsive. Ban had planned ahead, had been planning for weeks. He was gonna get something out of this.

"You smell good." And he did. Elizabeth's perfume-y scent couldn't be found. Meliodas smelled like damp woods and ale. Woods always have the cleanest smell after getting rained on and the ale scent comes with the bar.

Ban's warm hand slipped under the vest along his victim's abs, his actions were deliberate waiting on that catch of breath. He wanted to see the man-child squirm, wanted to see him flushed, wanted to hear him scream his name and he didn't give a damn what it took to get there.

"Ban get off me." The warning tone hadn't wavered.

"I'm pretty good where I am." His canines sunk into the blonde's neck and he heard the faintest stuttered breath. He smirked against the reddened skin, sucking it greedily before pulling away.

"Listen hear, Captain, I've got an itch only you can scratch so before this night ends, I'm going to fuck your brains out and your going to love every damn second of it, alright~" Meliodas only glared, but that was fine. "Good talk."

Ban ripped the vest off tossing it, leaving the smaller's flawless chest exposed. That would also change before the night's end.

His hand moved up catching, a pink bud between his fingers, tugging and twisting it. Meliodas cursed under his breath and Ban brought his lips to the other letting his tongue swirl around it, feeling it harden under his ministrations.

Ban x Meliodas One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now