Exhibitionists Part 1

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Meliodas sighed looking out the window. The sun was at its peak and Ban still wasn't back yet.

"Maybe he got lost?" Elizabeth suggested.

"More like wandered off." King was clearly annoyed by the thief's absence judging by the frown on his face. Ban had a tendency to wander, but that's usually when his mind is bothered with thoughts or memories, but the bandit dropped his affections for Elaine. He was her only attachment to earth and he let her go.

Maybe something else is bothering him then. But what?

"Maybe we should look for him. Remember the last time we left him alone for too long?" Diane didn't seem too pleased by her own idea, but Ban with no supervision? Your asking for some shit to go down.

"You idiots left Ban alone?!" Hawk half shouted.

"I do not see the problem. Ban was fine when he returned." Gowther shifted his glasses.

"The jerks who jumped him weren't." Meliodas admits.

"Or the kids whose stuffed animals he took." King said with clenched fists.

"Or the men when he first discovered he could snatch clothes." Diane remembered with what looked like a mortified expression. If you looked closer, it was a facade. She loved every second of that day. Mostly since the first clothes snatched (and last returned) were the Captain's.

"You don't seem to upset by that event." Hawk said taking a few steps away from the giant.

"Is that when there were naked men everywhere?" Gowther brows were furrowed. The giantess made a high happy sound.

"I never knew Sir Ban could be such a troublemaker." Elizabeth recited to which everyone dramatically fixated their eyes on her.

"You can't look at him and tell?!" King looked like he was about to blow a fuse from frustration. He had a crazed look in his eye, but that's usually what happens when someone like King's around Ban for too long.

"So your the tooth fairy right?"


"Are. You. The tooth fairy?"


"Oh... are you related?"

It was a sin's rule not to leave the two alone for too long, but Ban always made a way. He's pretty dedicated to his hobbies.

"So we're searching then?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yep," The blonde hopped down from the bar. "Let's go."


Instead of splitting up they walked together. Meliodas isn't sure why, but he didn't feel like questioning it either.

"Gowther can you sense his mind?" He asks.

"I sense a mind, but it's rather single-minded." Huh?

"What do you mean?"

"His brain waves are giving off the impression of a one track mind, but it's fuzzy. I can not get a clear image." The blonde rose a brow ignoring the fairy king's grumbled insults about Ban not having a brain.

"What direction?" Gowther pointed to his left and we all followed.

"Geez, just how far is this guy?" The piglet whined half an hour into their walk.

Ban x Meliodas One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now