Empty Bar

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Ban has always had sticky fingers. It was a habit you typically perfected when you're a bandit. After those first few amateur years your hands adapt too and minor focus is hardly needed. As a result things slipping, dropping, or missing from his hands just didn't happen. Not even when he was drunk.

So when his alcohol suddenly started sliding out his grasp instinct had him snatching it back and turning to the perpetrator.

Laughing green eyes sparkled at him, but Ban wasn't fooled by his "innocence". His smile dropped as he tilted his head.

"What are you doing?" He drawled.

"You've got the last bottle." Meliodas blinked tugging a bit harder. "You can't hog it all."

Ban smirked, fangs flashing. "Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me."

Meliodas frowned as his boyfriend leaned closer. The immortal was pulling up while he pulled down. Gravity might've been on his side and he was definitely the stronger one between the two of them, but he knew Ban wouldn't let up.

If the ale got too high his feet would leave the ground and he's lose momentum. If he used more force Ban was petty enough to start sapping away at his energy. So he did the rational thing.

He played dirty.

Ban could practically see the cogs turning behind his captain's eyes. He knew the demon had something up his sleeve, but he was still stunned when the small blond swung a leg over his lap. He shifted making himself comfortable and Ban's breath hitched.

His grip didn't waver, but his voice did. "Y-you bastard..."

"Hm? Say something?" Meliodas gyrated his hips Ban's free hand came to rest on his hip, fingers digging into his skin.

"I'm not letting go so you might as well get. Off." The hand on his hip started shoving, but Meliodas was quick to curl his arm around his neck bringing Ban's efforts to a halt.

He usually didn't care if he died, but for that split second, if his head came off, Meliodas would win.

"Come on Ban, you need to share." The demon's hips rolled again, harder and Ban grit his teeth, tensing his whole body. It was times like this that he hated the fountain for repairing his shit so fast. He can't even get drunk enough to get whiskey dick anymore.

And Meliodas didn't seem the least bit drunk at all.

"Please?" He pouted as his hips shifted into place. Ban's hard enough now that he could feel his whole length pulsating between his cheeks.

"You'd just drink it all." The thief groaned, head falling back. In an effort for revenge he pushed up- only to be met with air.

Meliodas gave a shit eating grin. "I thought you might do that."

Ban narrowed his eyes before slipping his hand into the blond's pants and watching him freeze.

"Expect that too?" His smirk returned, deepening with his hand the closer it got to the blond's hole.

Dread grew in Meliodas's stomach giving him pause. He couldn't stop the full body shudder that racked through him when smooth fingers brushed over his slick entrance.

"Getting off to your own performance huh? I bet I could..." Ban pushed three fingers in to the hilt and Meliodas keened. "You filthy fuck."

He didn't let go though—to Ban's dismay. It did push the odds in his favor though.

Ban slouched, legs spreading out. Meliodas didn't hesitate to bring himself forward before he fell. While he wasn't completely off his dick, any movement would be tolerable now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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