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17 months earlier...

It was the start of 9th grade/year 10 and I was so nervous. We were having completely different classes so I hardly knew anyone. I put on a basic outfit, just a white top and denim shorts and some vans, packed my stuff and headed to school.

I got there and saw a lot of people I didn't know went here. I was putting some stuff in my locker when I looked up and next to me was a boy I'd never seen here before doing the same thing, he was about my age. I couldn't see his face because of of his curls, but then he looked at me. Woah. He had these amazing piercing chocolate eyes. He smiled at me and walked off. Wow. I went and met up with my best friend, Jasmine.
I saw her sitting at a table with a couple girls, she looked up and saw me.
"Hey y/n!" She shouted and gestured me to go over.
"Heyyy!" I said back and went over there, she was sitting with our other friends, Millie and Kenzie.
"Hey guys!" I said and they said hi back, "ok so I have tea.
"Ooo spill spill!" Millie said. I told them all about the story with the big at my locker.
"Ooo get in there y/n." Kenzie said nudging my shoulder, "what did he look like?"
"Well he had these gorgeous brown curls and amazing brown eyes and you all know how much I love curls and brown eyes!" I said and they all did the quiet shriek thing.
"Oh I think that's jack. My brother is good friends with him, even though he's in our year." Jasmine said.
"Actually now that I think about it he does look like a jack." I replied.
"Yeah I've seen him a couple times, I don't think he's that cute but whatever floats your boat babe." She added winking at me. As she said that, the bell rang to get to class.
"Okay, are any of us in the same class?" I asked and we all checked each other's time tables. I was with Millie, and Jaz was with Kenzie.
"See you guys at break!" Jaz said before leaving, we all said bye and went to class. My first lesson was English, yay. I sat in my assigned seat. As I was scanning the room, I saw the boy from earlier sitting at the front of the room. As the teacher read out the register, I tried to listen out for his name.
"Jack?" The teacher called.
"Here." The boy replied, he was jack. Basic but it really suited him actually.
"Okay everyone! This is your English class for this year." The teacher said as she finished. Everyone looked around the room, I saw jack's eyes immediately go to me. As he did I looked round to make it not obvious I was staring at him, but our eyes suddenly met and he smiled at me and I did the same. I got the sort of butterflies in my stomach that you get when you've just had your first kiss.

It was the end of first period and I went over to millie, to go to next period when jack walked past me and gave me the cutest smile ever.
"Oh my god." Millie whisper-shouted.
"I knowww." I said back.
"Girl you need to act on that that could turn into something." Millie said as we walked out.
"I don't know, I just have this feeling like he's one of those boys who will date you just to have a girlfriend then break your heart a couple weeks later you know?" I replied.
"I see where you're coming from." She agreed and we went over to the other girls and told them everything.

It was the end of the day and me and Jaz walked home. We'd got to the bit where we separate and carried on walking, suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, it was jack.
"Hi, y/n is it?" He asked, he sounded nervous.
"Yeah, Jack?" He nodded, "you walk this way?"
"Yeah why?" He asked.
"I always have and I've never seen you?" I said confused.
"Haha, well actually I don't. I just needed to talk to and I didn't get a chance to because I was pretty nervous." He said, I started to get butterflies, he wanted to talk to me?
"Oh, okay well what's up?" I asked, looking up and his gorgeous hair flowing in the wind over his face.
"Well I think you're cute and I was wondering," he paused and took a deep breath, "if you wanted to go on a date with me this weekend?" As he said this I could feel the burning on my cheeks from blushing.
"I'd love to." I smiled. He did the little excited 'yesss' thing, it made me smile more and my cheeks started aching.
"Okay well um I gotta go down here, so I'll message you on Instagram or something?" He exclaimed, he was getting so excited.
"Which is?" I asked.
"jackdgrazer." He replied, "ill speak to you later?" I nodded and said bye and we went our ways. Oh my god. My first date. I must be dreaming, no guys ever like me? Oh well, I GOT A DATE!!!! I was so excited I pretty much skipped the whole way home.

Hey so um let me know what you think of this and if I should carry it on ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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