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Michael POV

So we are on tour and I'm so excited to ask Ava to marry me in front of a thousand people so here it goes


Michael was doing so well on stage he kills every time then he stopped the music and asked me to come out I wonder what's happening when the fans saw me they all screamed oh god my anxiety is coming and Michael noticed

He grabbed her hand and told them fans that he has bee wanting to do this for so long he said a speech about Ava and then he got on one knee and asked Ava to marry him

Ava: Yes

Everyone cheered and Michael put the ring in her finger as she cried she's going to be marrying the man of her dreams he kissed her cheek and got back to performing

Her whole family were included her friends were so excited about once she called and told them


I'm literally crying right now I'm marrying the man I love wow dreams do come true I always told myself that I didn't want to get married cause love is hard to find but things change over the I came on the tour bus and fell asleep on the couch while listening to music my night has been made

Michael POV

I'm glade she said yes and I can't wait to call her my wife soon she makes me so happy but I can't back to performing

Once Michael finished he went back on the bus to see Ava he picked her up and placed in bed

Michael took his 🚿 and went to sleep next to Ava who was peacefully sleeping

Michael: Goodnight my love I love you(kissed her forehead and went to sleep)

Tour was officially over and Michael was so ready to marry Ava the love of his life and who makes him happy

A week later


We are still are the road we haven't made it home yet Michael did amazing on tour but he's excited to be going I'm in the back just looking though my camera I opened my laptop and downloaded them to my computer wow I have a lot of pictures on here...then I saw one of me and Michael Ahh look at our smiles so I made that my screensaver after a good minute or two I closed my eyes and fell asleep that's when I heard Michael walking in

Michael POV

I came to ask Ava if she was hungry but she was asleep Ahh she's so cute so I went to put the covers over her and saw her laptop open Ahh she has us as her screensaver that's my favorite picture by the way I closed it up and put it back in her bag and just told siedah to save her a plate

Hours went by and Ava was still asleep Michael knew she needed her rest so he let her rest until they get back home

Los Angeles California

Michael POV

I carried Ava into the house since she is still asleep she's a heavy sleeper and I placed her down on the bed then I went to unpack and took a shower


I felt Michael putting me in bed I am tired after tour that's when I felt Michael getting in bed

Michael turned the light off and just stared at Ava she was really beautiful then he kissed my forehead and went to sleep

Next Morning


I woke up to Michael kissing me all over my face I swear he loves doing this

Michael POV

My baby smells like strawberry ahhh I wanted her to wake up

Ava: Michael you do this every morning

Michael: I know you just smell good

Ava: what's up

Michael: nothing just wanted you to wake up

Ava: Seriously

Michael: Yes

Ava: your so annoying

Michael: I know

Ava went back to sleep and Michael got under the covers he was really going to get her attention

Michael POV

I'm really going to get her attention so I got under the covers and started using my magic hands on her

Michael began fingering her vagina he felt her move ...she was trying to fight it ...Michael went deeper and Ava began to moan Michael bit his lip cause he knew she was enjoying it


As I was asleep I felt making running my vagina it felt so good and I was trying so hard to fight it but he's so good at it ....oh god

The Michael went deeper inside her and she closed her legs

Ava moaned and Michael knew she was beginning to get horny

Michael then used his 👅 and Ava arched her back

Ava: Ahhh(held Michael head to go deeper)

Then he stopped he was only teasing her let's see how it plays out

Ava woke up and didn't want Michael to stop so she had the best sex ever in her life

After awhile they both had had falling asleep ...Michael really went in on Ava who was asleep

Ava haven't had sex like that in a long time but with Michael he puts his all into it and she knew Michael knew what he was doing when it come down to having sex

He turned the light off and had falling a sleeping soon after

And of course Ava can still feel him going in and out of her which is a normal feeling as well

Next chapter is coming

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