Running Through the Rain

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"Dude, this storm is getting crazy, you sure Libicocco isn't back to kidnap Chiho or something?" Urushihara asked while lazily leaning backwards from his permanent post at his computer.

"You know you shouldn't joke about these things, remember what happened last time he showed up? Something about you ending up becoming more of a useless corpse than you usually are." Was the snappy reply from across the room.

The windows in Room 201 of Villa Rosa Sasazuka were creaking and groaning under the immense pressure of the storm that had suddenly taken Tokyo by surprise.

"I hope Ashiya makes it back in time to make supper, I'm starving already."

Maou checked his phone to see if Ashiya had sent him a message.

No new messages.

"Maybe we'll have to get a MgRonalds delivery...Kawada's gonna complain if I ask him to deliver in this weather..." Maou muttered as he stretched himself out on the floor.

"Dude, if you order delivery Ashiya's gonna kill you. Plus, if Acieth finds out she'll make you order thirty burgers...again."

Maou stared at the clock on the wall. 6:42pm. Deciding whether he'd rather face death in the form of starvation or Ashiya's wrath, he let out an audible sigh.


Elsewhere in Tokyo, the Demon General Alciel was fighting his own battle. The once ferocious general who had cunningly brought his enemies to their knees without lifting a finger was currently on a battlefield he'd never experienced before. The sweat on his face was starting to form neat rivers as it slowly slipped down his forehead and onto his cheeks. Shivering from the combination of wet clothing and air conditioning in the room he stammered:

"Ms. S..S...Suzuki, I'm terribly s.s...sorry. I meant n-no offence."

He knew he had messed up.


40 minutes ago, at Shinjuku Station.

Normally accustomed to riding the train during non-peak hours, Ashiya was quite frustrated with the hordes of businessmen that were constantly entering and exiting the train. When he finally managed to get out at Shinjuku station, he found himself being pushed and pulled along with the crowd as he tried to find the right exit.

"If I recalled correctly, Ms. Suzuki had mentioned we should meet at the 'New South Gate'."

Earlier that week, Ashiya had sent a message to Rika Suzuki asking if he could request her assistance in purchasing a new phone. Considering recent events, he thought it would be appropriate if he also had a mobile phone to contact Maou in case of an emergency. Rika had arranged they meet today after she got off work at six o'clock.

As Ashiya turned the final corner to reach the New South Gate, a familiar voice shouted out behind him.

"Heeeey! Ashiya over here!"

Rika grabbed Ashiya's shoulder before he got swept further away by the crowd. Blushing ever so slightly, she pulled him aside, away from the steady streams of business men flooding through the ticket gates.

"Ah, Ms. Suzuki, I didn't notice you there. My sincerest apologies for such an oversight"

"No, no it's fine! I know its super busy right now so there's no choice but to call out before I lose sight of you. Anyways let's go before it gets any more crowded here."

"It gets even busier than this?" A stunned Ashiya replied as he quickly followed Rika further into the station.

After a few minutes of navigation, Rika and Ashiya finally arrived at the Yamanote line platform headed towards Ueno. Ashiya had seen an advertisement for a big cellphone sale at a major retailer near Ueno station, prompting his request with Rika earlier in the week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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