School Project

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Ok so I have this project in science where I had to get an independent variable and test it. I was in a group at my table with 3 other girls right? So we decide to do lipstick! Lucky me! (Yay) So I had to bring a tube of lipstick in and text it out... Let's just say when I get bored in class I go a but white girl and get selfie obsessed... This is one of my fabulous pictures of that time before I wiped it off so I didn't get hit in the hallways and called a fag (no offense to gay people I'm all chill with them. If you like the same gender I couldn't care less I'm not judgmental on that stuff) Such a picture was made possible by 2 of my friends from around the classroom which were very supportive of me wearing this. One of them for the project... The other for amusement. So thank you dear friends you've made my life that much better in science class!

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