- Song #1-

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Hey! Hey! Hey! Me again~

Well, I wanna review a song but, it's not from i7 but...

Guess! (Scroll for the right answer)

If you guys said is Re:vale you're not wrong... But, it's not specific...

Yup, you right! It's the old Re:vale!!

Well, for you guys dat not read the main story of i7 game, this is a spoiler for you guys... So, if you don't want to, please stop right now^^

As you guys know, the members of the old Re:vale are Banri and Yuki... Yup! You gonna hear the singing Ban-chan!

Maigashh, you know what... Banchan' voice is really AAAAAAAAAAAAAA GREATT!!!!!! It's kinda smooth and gentle!! It's totally AAAAAAAAAA I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT!!!!!!!!!

*cough* *cough*

Okay... Let's continue :)

Btw, I had read the main story of i7 game cuz', few weeks back, I can't hold my curiousness of what happen next in the anime, so I decided to read the main story from the game on tumblr (maigashhh... Thank you for the translation, seigyokus and pinyaaple on tumblr!!! Love your works so muchh!!)

I have done part 1-3, but I haven't read the ZOOL backstory and the part 4 :v I'll read it later..

Okay, let's hear the song! ^^




BAN-CHAN AND YUKI' VOICES ARE GREAT TOGETHER!!!! (just like what I felt when I heard MEZZO" songs^^)

After I heard this song, I felt really bad to Ban-chan... Owhh.. The tragedy it's really... Ughh... But, I'm really glad dat Ban-chan is okay^^

You know what, I can't decide which I rather... The old Re:vale or the current... Cuz' both Momo and Ban-chan' voices are great if they sing with Yuki...

Do you understand my words? Cuz' I think I explained it absurdly...

But, hope you guys understand^^ If you don't understand please tell me!

Btw, I don't understand the lyric! AAAARRGHHH.....!!!!! Hope there is the English translation so I can review the lyric!

I hope the full version will come out someday... Cuz' I rather hear the full version than the game/short version... (So, I can enjoy the song longer^^)

I think dat's all for this chapter...

Sorry, it's not long as you guys expect, cuz' yeah..  As I said before, I don't understand the lyric and there isn't the English translation of the lyric... If you guys know the English translation of the song, please tell me!

And thank you for 40+ readers! Wow, I can't believe I reach a lot of readers in a few weeks! Thx guys! I'm really grateful!

And hope I can reach 100+ readers^^

Okay guys,

Jaa nee~~

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