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The day before Stefan's birthday party, Hugo sat in the back room of the computer repair store, trying to boot up one of the many broken laptops on the desk in front of him. He sighed when it didn't do what he wanted and pushed away from the desk.

"Need a break?" Robert asked with a soft huff of laughter.

"I swear this thing hates me," Hugo replied, face scrunching up in annoyance.

"If we need to, we can send it out to someone else, see if they can fix it," his boss said.

Hugo shook his head. "Let me take a break for a bit and see what I can do later," he signed. He wasn't having the best of days and the laptop not listening to what he said was only making it worse.

Because they both worked, and the university was on break for another few weeks, Renee and Stefan were swamped with work shifts. Because of that, he hadn't seen much of them since he'd told Stefan what had happened to him. The only person he'd spoken to more than just a few texts was Robert, who was immensely proud that he had confided in someone.

On one side of the room was another small table and a minifridge. That was where Hugo spent his time whenever he took a break. Robert always kept the makings for sandwiches and cups of coffee, so they never went hungry while they were working.

"Heard from your friends lately?" Robert asked as the kettle boiled.

Hugo shook his head again. "Renee told me what time to show up tomorrow. It's Stefan's birthday and he's throwing a party."

"Renee was the one I met, right?" Robert questioned and Hugo nodded. "Are you sure you're going to be right to go to a party?"

"I don't know," Hugo answered with a shrug. "I won't know until I go there. Stefan said it would be alright if I needed to take a break or leave early. He said there would be a lot of people there though."

Robert watched from his desk and Hugo poured them coffee. "Just make sure you're alright. Don't jump into something if you don't think you're ready for it."

"Yes, dad," Hugo replied with a grin, handing Robert a mug of coffee.

His boss rolled his eyes at him. "I'm just looking out for you, kiddo," he said.

"I know. Thank you."

The bell on the front door of the shop jingled before Robert could take a single sip of his coffee. The older man sighed and stood from his desk while Hugo went back to his. Another customer to add to their already busy day.

Hugo froze, mouth full of coffee when a familiar voice rang through the shop. "Hi there, I was told Hugo worked here?" Stefan questioned.

Robert sounded confused when he replied. "Yeah, I'll go get him." He shot Hugo a concerned look when he poked his head around the doorway. "There's someone here for you, kiddo."

With a painful swallow, Hugo placed his mug on the desk and wandered out to the main room of the store. He never really came out there to talk to a customer, let alone a friend. Renee was the only one who knew where he worked, but she'd probably told Stefan.

Someone Hugo didn't know stood next to him in front of the counter. Stefan grinned when he saw him and gestured for him to come closer. "I'm glad I got the place right, Renee sucks at directions," he said.

Hugo took a moment before he replied, his gaze switching between Stefan and the man beside him. He could feel Robert's eyes on him, watching him to make sure he was alright. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"He needs his phone fixed," Stefan answered, jerking his thumb at the man next to him, who stared at Hugo in confusion. Hugo had no idea who he was. Not a boyfriend, surely, Stefan would have mentioned him if that was the case. Probably a friend he hadn't met yet. "Renee said you worked at a repair store, so I figured I'd come here."

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