Chapter one

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Two pairs of claws flashed in the sun as the Sandwings fought. This was normal for Caiman, a repeated pattern of fights, stealing, shouting, and disappointment from her brother.

Not that Caiman cared, though. She was born to fight, to defend the poor dragonets who always got picked on. Was it maybe because she wanted to be the dragon she had needed when she was a dragonet? Maybe. But Caiman didnt have to to think about that, there was a larger, more experienced sandwing threatening her. She sized him up; he was favouring his left side slightly, and had scars over his wings and face.

He'll be expecting me to go for his wings and face, Caiman thought, He's used to that here. All dragons play dirty like that here.

So, instead, Caiman shot forwards and under his belly, her small, lithe body wriggling as she turned and swiftly sliced open his belly with her claws. The dragon let out a guttural scream and fell to the floor, convulsing as blood seeped from his wound. Caiman smirked darkly. She turned to the petite dragonet who was cowering, terrified, in the cool shade of a fern. The poor dragonet squealed as Caiman turned to look at her.

Great, she's scared of me. Great going Caiman.

Not that Caiman would ever admit it, but she secretly adored dragonets. Nobody in her Guild would know that, if she could help it.

The more that Caiman thought about it, she realised she was hiding many secrets. Good thing Caiman can hide her secrets.

'' Come on. '' She gestured to the dragonet to follow with her tail, and began to slink away, slow enough that the dragonet could follow her. Hesitantly, the small hatchling padded after Caiman. They both stepped out from the dark alley, leaving the dying dragon behind them. As Caiman glanced at the tiny, terrified creature beside her, she noticed it looked much different than the others she had rescued. For one, it's scales were a dull sandy red, and it seemed to have odd patterns on it's wings.... were they..


Impossible. Dragons had scales and not feathers.. How could this be a sandwing?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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