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I've been sitting in my room for a few weeks now. My Now, ex boyfriend of long distance left me and it's actually hard, I experienced my first heart break and I'm not handling it well. I see him in everything. If I close my eyes I see his smile. I believe it's my fault. I think I deserve what comes for me. If I was meant to be happy I'd be happy by now. I've wasted 4 years, almost 5 being sad. I've spent 3 years with a eating disorder, I've spent 3 years with MDD and I'm tired of it.
I just wish there was an escape.
I lose a lot of sleep. My eye hurts every time I blind, it stings and I think I'm getting a fever. I feel like crying. Everyone has figured out I'm suicidal and it sucks. My friends see me as a weak little girl.  I feel like if I don't portray being strong no one will like me.

I want to die.

I'm alone everyone is leaving me behind.

I see them smiling, why can't I smile like them

Why can't my smile be as white or as pretty as theirs.

Why the fuck am I not as attractive as everyone else???
This isn't fair. They have it easy, I'm struggling and no one sees it. There is no way for me to explain how I feel.

I feel like everyone is laughing at me.

I can't go outside or they'll see me sad. They'll see me. For the real girl I am.

Why does no one love me.

Who even cares about me?
I'm worthless.
I'm not worth being cared for.
Happy isn't something I deserve.
I deserve pain, I deserve to cry at night when I'm alone and everyone is asleep.
I deserve to be sad.

I deserve to die alone.

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