Question 15

18 5 2

Aw! Cat Ty is so cute! And my question is, if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and who’s the main person you would take with you?


Cat!Ty: Meow! (I am not cute!)

Skyler: I still have no idea what he is saying

Panda: same, we should probly call Uncle Adam.

S: Arrr he is to Cute to get rid of.

C!T: Meow MEOW!!! (I said I’m nOT CUTE!!!)

P: I think he is mad

S: Oh well *pats Ty on the head* *in a babyish voice* Who’s a good kitty

P: On to the question, I would like to visit Botswana, Africa so I can see lions in the wild. You know cause lions are my favourite animal is lions.

S: I don’t know, maybe America. Oh, oh, OH I WANT TO GO TO DISNEY LAND AND I WILL TAKE ALL MY FRIENDS AND MY MUMS! And maybe Panda can come too.

P: thanks I feel so loved

C!T: Meow meow. Meow! (I would go to Paris with Adam. It would be so romantic!)

S: I’m just going to assume he said something cute and say AWWWWWWW!!!

P: *face palm*  

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