Question 16

16 3 2

* magically teleports sky here *

So if you could do anything what would you do and no not sex


Adam: Oh my god Ty baby what did they do to you

Cat!Ty: Meow Meow Meow (oh god it has been horrible. They kept calling me cute. I missed you so much)

A: It's ok I'm here now *picks Ty up*

C!T: *snuggles into Adam's chest*

Skyler: OMG you can understand what he is saying

A: No, I just know that you would of been tormenting my beautiful Ty

Panda: We would never torment Uncle Ty. That would be such a mean thing to do.

A: *Gives glare to the children*

S: I'm not quite sure what she ment by the last part of the question.

P: Once again Aunty Brave not making any sense.

S: Actually I think tge question was for Uncle Adam and Uncle Ty

P: Well quite possibly, but this was originally just ment to be my ask book then your mums made you up then your mama got bored and pressure everyone into adding people in the story.


P: Well if I could do anything it would probably make the new Averages movie come out faster

S: Well umm I would make homework banned in every school in the would

P: That was a good answer may I say

S: Thank you cousin

C!T: Meow meow ( To be honest I wouldn't mine fucking Adam right now, if I wasn't a cat.)

A: I would make Ty human again so we can go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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