Chapter 24: You told her?!!🥺😭😡pt.1

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Cheryl and Toni pm

T●T🐍: cher?!

Cher🍒: yea, bby?!

T●T🐍: I need to tell u something.

Cher🍒: omg, I swear, if we r breaking up, I'm blocking u.

T●T🐍: no, it's not that...

Cher🍒: Oh, thank god!!

T●T🐍: it's about jughead and betty...

Cher🍒: oh!, u mean hobo and bride of hobo?!

T●T🐍: cher, be nice to ur cousin!

Cher🍒: ok, ok, what about them?

T●T🐍: so jughead, told me to keep a secret from betty, but I can't do it!!

Cher🍒: ok, what's the secret?!

T●T🐍: ok.... jughead is joining the serpents.

Cher🍒: 😶😶😶😶😶

T●T🐍: idk what to do!

Cher🍒: just tell her babe.

T●T🐍: thanks cher, ily💞💞

Cher🍒: ily2 bby💞💞🥰

T●T🐍: I'll tell her tomorrow on the girls gc.

Cher🍒: k, gn🥰🥰

T●T🐍: gn🥰🥰🥰

The chat has ended

A/N: hey guys, sorry I havent been posting, my mom is starting school early, and I'm helping her, I will try and post everyday this week, next week I start school again. Ttyl. Byeeee🥳


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