Chapter 70: Blind date🙈💋 pt.3

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Jug and Fangs pm

Fogerty🐍: Jug!

Jug🐍: yesssss??

Fogerty🐍: Y did u set me up with kevin! Of all people

Jug🐍: Well, me and veronica saw how lonely u bot were so we set u up! U should be thanking me, the date i heard we amazing

Fogerty🐍: it was awful...And wait, Veronica?? As in Veronica Lodge?????

Jug🐍: It couldnt have been thag bad

Fogerty🐍: I wasn't that lonely

Jug🐍: Kevin was...I'll tell u how the story went down

Nights before...

V💄: Jughead? Answer

V💄: Come on!

V💄: Ok, u asked for it

V💄: Forsythe Penelton Jones the-

Jug🐍: Im here, dont finish the rest pls

V💄: I need ur help to find kevin a date..Maybe Fangs again??

Jug🐍: Didnt they already date tho?

V💄: I heard kevin said he aould give him anotehr chance..So, SET THEM UP..ᵖᵉʳⁱᵒᵈᵗ🥰

Jug🐍: Ok.... Im only doing it bc it my godmother,

V💄: The best one yet😁😁😁😁

Jug🐍: I think On Tuesday, at 6:50 would be good

V💄: yeah..Pop's??

Jug🐍: Ofc, ill text Fangs u can text kevin

Mins later..

Jug🐍: Fangs agreed

V💄: So dis Kev, thx for the help Serpent king😌

Jug🐍: Np, Buisness Lodge😶

A/N: hiii, sorry this is early, it wouldnt let me publish it yesterday. But im going to the mall today, so i will definitly upload another! Se ya laterr..byeeee💋


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