Chapter 17

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I could now only watch Leah from the cracks in the wall, she was hurt and angry with me and she had every right to be. I should’ve told her the truth from the beginning but I didn’t want to hurt her. That seemed to back fire in my face now; I wiped my tears from my eyes sensing someone behind me.

        “Awwwwww. Is the big bad wolf hurt?” the ghost laughed in my face where I felt the darkness that I forced away boil up to the surface. I slammed the ghost against the wall holding its throat firmly in my hands. My dark browns were now fully black and the ghost was trembling.

        “If you know what’s good for you, you will leave me alone. I am itching to break your neck again and since now I have more time that will be happening. Get the fuck out of my face now!” I barked where it disappeared out of my hands frightened by my words. I wanted to rip something apart with my bare hands but Leah was right I was a monster. I slammed down onto my knees slamming my fists against the ground harder and harder each time. I felt my tears pour from my eyes and I could sense someone was watching me now. I looked up seeing it was Moira who was watching from a distance almost concerned. “Are you happy now Moira? She got rid of me; she’s safe from me now.”

        “I’m just protecting her.” She whispered where I could feel the anger and pain in the air from Leah.

        “Well who’s going to protect her from her father? How about the darkness that resides deep inside her fighting her to be released, you going to protect her from that? I was the only one who could and now that I’m gone you will see what true evil is. Just you wait and see, you’ll be begging me for my help to save her.” I warned where she was worried now and I wanted to vanish from her view but I just gave her my back. I closed my eyes praying for Leah to get through this before the demon inside her takes over completely. I kept my eyes closed now hoping for the day Leah brings me back but I knew that it will never happen. I lost her and now I feel alone again, cursed to walk these halls forever without any love or care, I’m sorry Leah for hurting you but I knew you wouldn’t let me in ever again. I can never hold you in my arms again and I guess I deserve to be alone like everyone said. The days were endless now, I watched the sunrise and set everyday now and still no contact from Leah. I could feel hear pain inside her and I was helpless to assist her now. I’ll wait for her forever if I have to, to be able to hold her again and care for her. Even if that never happens, I’ll be here for her even if she doesn’t want me there.      

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