Chapter 24

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The intense emotions surged within me almost like an intoxicating beverage being consumed. It flowed through my blood drowning me with endless pleasure and passionate heat of fire. Our bodies fitted impeccably against one another, his lips tasted sweeter and sweeter with each kiss. I remembered our first kiss, the taste of my blood mixed into the sweetness of his tears and it was even more amazing. Tate’s body shifted against my skin with each touch of his muscles flexing in my hand while I gripped against his bare back. He ran his lips from my chin, down my neck and to my chest. He kissed every inch of my skin; his kisses tickled my lower stomach as I bit my lip from it. He ran his fingertips over my bra when I ran my fingertips against his shaggy blonde hair. I sat up slightly so he unlatched my bra with his hands tossing it to the side. His lips returned to my chest running his mouth against my soft breasts. His tongue tracing a wet streak down the middle of my breasts until I felt his lips stop and return back against mine. His tongue slipped inside my mouth tracing gently against mine. Our tongues swirled against one another like two snakes during mating season. Tate ran his hands down to my waist pulling me closer to his body where I felt the sharp pleasurable pressure hit my stomach. His chest rubbed against mine rocking us back and forth against one another with hot fire surge between us. I gripped my pillow when his hips began to pound harder and faster against mine. After twenty more minutes the pleasure erupted into firecrackers into the night sky. I gasped loudly hearing Tate’s hot breath against my neck with exhaustion. He rolled off my body onto the other side of the bed gasping out of breath. He wrapped his arm over my drained body where I laid against his soft chest. I could feel his heavy breaths against my ears while he took my hand with his. Our fingers teased one another, over fingers touched and his ghostly energy raged inside me.

        “I’m afraid this will end.” He whispered where I stopped touching his fingers to look back up at him.

        “What are you talking about?” I asked where he looked at me trying to find the right words to say to me.

        “One day we both know your father and stepmother will finish here and you will leave me. I can’t lose you Leah, I just found you and he is going to take you away from me.” He exclaimed where I pushed my lips against his silencing him temporarily; I knew this would come up in conversation. I removed my lips to look at him giving him a sincere expression.

        “You won’t lose me Tate. I promise you I’ll stay with you no matter what. When I turn eighteen I will be able to publish my book, gain enough money and live here with you.” I smiled where he kissed my forehead while we heard a scream from the movie startling us. “I promise Tate.” I lay against his chest and we continued to watch the movie in order to regain our strengths. I know Tate was still very worried about everything but I know everything will be alright. It will take everything I got to get away from my father but with Tate by my side I am not scared. I am not worried about leaving Tate but I know that his secret may be in jeopardy soon. I have to figure a way to prevent that and figure out a way to stay with Tate forever. This is definitely stressful.        

REFLECTIONS (A Tate Langdon Fan Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora