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Jenny peered out the window, a look of curiosity on her face. There was a loud booming sound in the distance near the mountain that seemed to be getting closer. Abby was confused, ' Why was the mountain making noises, or was the sound coming from behind it?' she wondered to herself. In an instant the noises stopped and the ground started to shake under the wheels of the car. Abby know that she had to pull over onto the side of the road but before she had a chance to the ground in front of the car cracked and gave way, falling down into a sinkhole. Not able to stop the car in time, Abby and Jenny fell into the sinkhole. The car banged into a rock on the side and flipped sideways, crashing to the ground, the sound of mettle on rock reverberating in the sinkhole.

Above them they could hear the other car's, in a panic to avoid the sinkhole, varying to the side and crashing into other cars. Horns were blaring, tires were skidding, people were screaming. It sounded like chaos.

Jenny and Abby climbed out of the sunroof of their car, but did not dare to set foot onto the rocky ground of the sinkhole, for fear it could give way again. Instead they stood on the side of the car. "What the hell happened!?" asked Jenny, fear and confusion in her voice. "I don't know," said Abby "The rode just gave way right in front of us. I-I couldn't stop!" Without warning a car slammed to the ground right next to them. "Jesus!" Jenny screamed and fell back in shock. Abby looked (stared) at the car that had just fallen, 'The people in that car aren't getting out' she thought to herself, 'Are they okay?' The ground started to rumble again and Abby looked up to the top of the hole. People were screaming even louder now 'What is going on' Abby thought to herself.

On the surface, the car's were piled up around the sinkhole and people were running and screaming without stop. Near the side of the road close to the sinkhole, the ground was cracking and rising up as if something was pushing up from underneath. The ground stopped shaking for a moment and then with a thunderous boom, the ground gave way.

Where the sound had originated from, a small hole had opened up, and from the hole protruded a small greenish-brown stick-looking object. As it rose up from underneath the ground it continuously got wider, and within moments of its appearance others just like it started to rise up in a continuous straight line. Whatever was pushing them up finally came to the surfers when the ground around theme cracked. The ground moved out of the way like water. Underneath the dirt was something green and scaly.

As whatever it was pushed upward out of the ground, the side of the sinkhole crumbled down in a landslide-like fashion. Abby and Jenny marveled at the sight of the creature and its eminence size. But the terror soon returned and Jenny screamed out in fear and confusion, "What the hell is that!". Abby stood still and kept quiet, afraid the thing would see her if she didn't. As the rocks fell around it the creature moved what appeared to be its leg to the side, into the sinkhole. The creature slammed into the rocks above and they went soaring into the air. The creature was finally free and proceeded to climb out of the cavern it had been in.

As the beast rose it stretched it's long neck out into the sky and opened its mouth to reveal two rows of long, sharp teeth. From its now fully exposed back rose a pair of mighty wings, and as the creature stood there in the light its wings shoot down with great force bringing with it a mighty gust of wind that sent people falling to the ground. The beast continued to do this as it jumped in the air and people started to seek shelter behind cars and large rocks . Finally the beast ascended into the air and headed upwards towards the clouds, diapering from sight once it reached them. 

Once the beast was gone people slowly started to regained there composer, and the thought doned on one of  them, "Monster" one-person said. "No" said someone else "Dragon".

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