24: Happier

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It was mid afternoon the next day. I had been procrastinating doing just about anything. But especially procrastinating talking to Billy. My mom told me she planned on selling the house. I didn't even wanna look at Billy knowing I might not see him soon. I wanted to leave Hawkins but with him. So I decided that I would continue to procrastinate telling him. I had to eventually but maybe we could have one more night together just being teenagers before I tell him everything.


"Hey Bill." I fake smiled walking up to him at the lifeguard chair.


"I don't know, just kinda came out." I laughed.

"Well don't do that again it makes me sound like I'm 45."

"Okay okay okay, let me try again." I turned around. "Hey Hargrove." I smiled with my hands out to my sides looking at his facial expression. "Okay anyway." I cleaned my throat. "Umm I came cause I was lonely and bored." I admitted.

"How did your mom react last night?"

"She was very understanding." I smiled.

"That's good." He smiled and climbed down from his chair.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked at the ground uncomfortably blushing and holding back a smile.

"You coming over again tonight?" He asked popping a piece of gum in his mouth.

I looked back up in his eyes. "Maybe." I bit my lip and he smirked. "You know actually I was thinking, maybe we could do something."

"Like what?" He asked just staring at me. Something about his voice just gave me goosebumps, I don't know.

"Umm, maybe we could drive somewhere? Get out of the house. I feel like we just stay in your room our entire lives and complain about being depressed and pathetic. Like gee I wonder why."

"What were you thinking?" He asked. His eyes and his smile were literally perfect. His eyes were just so gorgeous I could look at them literally all day but it made me uncomfortable and nervous making eye contact with him so he just stared at me as I stared at the ground and literally everywhere else except at him.

"Umm maybe... hmm maybe we could drive to like Chicago or something or Indianapolis. Somewhere fun to just walk around or something."

"Seems fun." He just continued smirking and chewing his gum

"Stop doing that." I nervously laughed and finally looked up at him.

"Stop doing what?" He smirked looking down at me giving me chills.

"Stop looking at me like that. And talking like that. And smiling like that."

"Then you have to stop smiling too. And stop blushing and looking at the ground all nervously and cute."

"Awe you called me cute. I never took you as a guy to call someone cute."

"Would you rather me have called you hot?" He asked with pressure on the T at the end.

"Well no I'm not a temperature." - "Stop doing that!" I yelled again. "You're voice is like- and your smile- and your eyes. It's not fair! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I laughed and stomped  away from him and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him and kissed me. 

"I'll pick you up after work and we will drive to Chicago and stay there for the night. Okay?"

I smiled and kissed him again. "Okay." Literally every single girl there just glared at me. I felt so uncomfortable. I think it was obvious that I was feeling uncomfortable because Billy just stayed holding my hand and with his index finger and thumb turned my face towards him and not focusing on the other girls.

Keep me Closer - Billy Hargrove - Stranger Things Where stories live. Discover now