The Accident

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Harry's POV:
I couldn't stop worrying as I walked through the hallway to get to the potions class. My friends were starting to get suspicious.Even Ron, who wouldn't dare give his attention to someone else not even his girlfriend except his chicken, started to worry about me. I was lost in my thoughts again and didn't realize that I have arrived at the potions class.

" Thank you for finally coming to class Mr. Potter, 10 points from Gryffindor for being late," said Snape with hate clear in his eyes. "If you don't want to lose anymore points Mr. Potter I suggest that you take a seat next to Mr. Weasley. Today we will tee a very dangerous potion. This potion can cause you to turn into our younger self. The dangerous part is you may forget all your memories if you put the wrong ingredients"

I quickly sat next to Ron and stared at the instructions that were written on the board. As Snape was talking abut the potion, I passed a small piece f parchment to Hermione and Ron and waited for their expression. When Hermione finished reading it she had a big smile on her face and a knowing look Ike she already knew. Then I looked  at Ron who looked a little surprised.
" Soo I guess that's the reason why you broke up with my sister. Because you're gay" Said Ron
Hermione just rolled her eyes and gave me a small thumbs up and continued to listen Snape. Ron and I decided that we should do the same thing before the dungeons bat took more points from us.

Draco's POV-
As my Godfather talked about the potion I glanced at the Golden Trio. Granger was taking notes while Weasley looked at the air as if it was the most interesting thing he ever saw. Stupid Weasley. Then I looked at Potter. His hair was messy like he had the best night. His eyes were the color of the killing curse and his lips were rose pink. Anyone even the Weasley could notice how his body was fit and slightly muscular under his robes. My thoughts were interrupted by Pansy. She gave and a knowing look and said " Are you done drooling over Potter or do you need more time dear?"
I glared at her and looked back at the board but there was already a blush. During the rest of the class I couldn't stop but notice when Blaise passed an ingredient to Pansy. Then she slowly went over to where Weasley and Har- Potter was sitting. It took me time to notice what ingredient she had in her hand but I was too late to stop her as she threw it in Potter's cauldron.

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