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Draco's POV:
I continued walking, no, stumping to the Dungeons, while being followed by the Potter brat. According to the old goat, Potter would be more safe in the dungeons with me. As I started to walk faster, I heard a small sound like someone had stepped on a cats tail. I turned around to see Potter tripping on his extremely large robes, but still trying to catch up with me. I couldn't help but feel a guilty. When he saw me waiting for him, he tried to run with his short legs. I could hear him trying to catch his breath as if he had been chased by Granger.
         " I'm sowwy Dwaco. Please don't bew mad." He whimpered.
My guilt grew larger as I looked at the little boy in front of me. I couldn't help but notice how he flinched as I lowered myself to his level.
" it's okay Harry, it's okay" I whispered gently.
I slowly and carefully got the little golden boy in my arms, and continued walking towards the Slytherin dormitory. His body seemed tense at first, but soon got relaxed. I couldn't help but notice the knowing look Salazar Slytherin gave me as I told him the password. I could feel the eyes of every snake that was in the common room. I continued walking and ignored them, but before I entered my room I turned around and gave them my coldest glare.
" From now on, Potter will be another snake. Any objections?" I asked. When no one moved or said anything I responded "No? Good."
I entered my room and made sure the door was locked. Then I placed Harry on the bed and sat next to him. I dropped my head between my arms, and tried to process everything. What am I gonna do now? What will my father say? How about my mother? As the questions surrounded me, I felt a tiny arm on my shoulder. I lifted my head to look at two emeralds. His raven hair was a mess, yet it looked so soft. His cheeks were chubby and had a little bit pink on them, while his lips were rosy pink. Oh, how perfect those lips would look if they were...NO DRACO. I swear Pansy would skin me alive if she was here right now. I came back into my senses as I felt two tiny arms wrap around my neck.
" It wiw be okay Dwaco," Potter, no. Harry. Harry whispered. " Dowt be scawed of mean swakes that wewe lookiw at you. I'm hewe."
I couldn't say anything except just we pay my arms around his tiny body. Yes. Everything will be okay. Because my whole world was now between my arms and as long as he was here, everything would be okay.

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