What the fuck?

18 0 1

??? POV
I ran with every ounce of will in my body left. I had fucked up, really bad, and my asshats of a self decided to make this decision the week after I told myself, "You are in this college for a reason, to give your family the life they finally deserve".

You see, my family wasn't the richest, I would consider us poor, even. One thing I did know was that despite my fucked up life decisions, I want my father to be in a life where kids weren't his main concern. I had it planned out- You probably don't care though, you're here for my present life, my  reality.

Currently at this minute, this second, I had been late to class, not my fault though. I practically stayed up all night reading gay fanfictions on Wattpad, what would you expect. My insomnia wasn't what you would say helping either.  Once again, present life though. I'm practically a nerd- No, this is not a cliche story. I meant, in a way, that I'm pretty smart. I'm in an honors class, my grades are pretty good, and I did alright in Algebra 2. I'm decent, I guess.

My name is Emerald Odom. Weird last name, right? It means king in some language, don't ask, my Dad told me. I have hair that goes down to my waist, it's dark brown. I'm pretty chubby, but my height makes up for it.

I'm 5'7¾. I'm legit a few milimeters from  Binson height, truth is, he's a dick.  I'm also 18, not 19. His birthday was April 20th; which angered me because the grin on his face when he finally beat me in the "Who was older?" contest we had going on had me pissed. I fucking hate him. We were friends in highschool, but he said some bullshit like, I matured and you haven't, you're eating me down, Emerald. What type of fucker-y is that!? I knew as clear as the fact that my shoes were untied that he was as immature as me.

I ran into the classroom as fast as I could; which was pretty fast, despise the fact that I was pretty educated on the meat loaded in on my stomach. Ms. Powers looked at me with an already defeated look as I had been late numerous times before.

It wasn't my fault though, I'll give myself that. My fucking roommate is a dick, when we first met I had told her that I may sleep in multiple times and she may need to wake me up. She had just rolled her eyes and continued to scavenge through somebody's story on Snapchat. Am I too ugly for her or something? Like, what's her problem?

"Emerald Odom, you're late, again."  Ms.Powers said as she slightly glared at me. "You're in an honors class, yet no one sees the need to honor you because of your reckless attendence"  The fuck? I was 2 minutes late, my gosh woman- I mean old lady. Since I'm a sassy bitch, I made up a comment since my idiotic classmates laughed at her joke. "I don't know if you can even read your watch or if your boobs are always sagging on your arms but I'm not that late"  That wasn't the smartest move... Ms. Powers rose her voice pretty quickly, no doubt she was clearly offended by my wording. "Emerald- Or maybe Emmy, get the he-ck to your seat thick instance!" I suppressed a laugh at how easily she hid the fact she wanted to use a very unteacher-like word. I quickly hid that as she said Emmy. I hated that nickname. Binson made the name known the second I told him it was an annoying nickname. I walked over to my seat as I flipped off our teacher when she wasn't looking, and walked over to my table in the corner. The table kinda looked like hexagons- or pentagons

 The table kinda looked like hexagons- or pentagons

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