-Chapter 18-

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Stiles P.O.V

We all spoke in unision as we looked at each other bug eyed.

"Oh my god." I looked at Scarlett. What is going on?!

"So the full moon is tonight and what are we going to do?!" Scarlett broke the silence with her hectic reaction.

"I-I don't know!" I studdered.

"We wait." Derek looked up with his head down.  


It was 11:52 almost time for the full moon to be revealed from behind the clouds in the midnight blue sky.

We all sat outside on the driveway. Looking up at the sky, I started to think about my mom.  

"I love you." I whispered.  

A chill was sent through my body. I shivered as I spoke. "I, need to use the restroom."

"Okay! Don't fall in the toilet." Scarlett cracked.

"Shut up brat." I smiled.

"mmm." Derek groaned.

I walked inside as I looked at the clock on the oven.  

11:54 it read. well tonight is my transfomation, Derek is revealing he's a werewolf, along with my best friend. What has the world come to?!

-Dereks P.O.V-

I looked up at the sky to read it, i needed to find out the time. 11:55  

So, I'm transforming. In front of Scarlett. This should be good. Oh and she is finding out her brother is a werewolf too! This is going to be fun.

I looked over into the woods and saw dark, blood red eyes. The alpha. I knew he was near.

I lowly growled so Scarlett couldn't hear me. Scott looked over to me with a look in his eyes as if he was asking for permission.

"your not my pack. you're your own alpha. I'm just an Omega." I telepathically sent.

"No, your my alpha." Scott replied.

I twitched my eyebrow to signal approval. Scott scurried off into the woods as I followed behind him. 

Scarlett would find out eventually. Just not tonight. Or so I think?

Scott growled at the large hairy figure standing infront of us.

I hissed as I lunged my body towards the beast. My claws slung out as so did my fangs. I dug my claws deep into the animal's shoulders.  

I looked at the wounds as they healed automatically.

"Great. You must be the alpha." Scott said as he saw the worried look in my eyes.

Scott jumped at the beast with all his might and started to scratch at it. Slowly but somehow, we were taking down the alpha. I took a quick glance at the sky as it read 11:57. Three more minutes.

"Scott, take his arm and pin it down. Now!" I yelled.

When the full moon is revieled, that is when the alpha is at it strongest.

-Scarletts P.O.V.-

I looked over as I saw the bushes moving.

"Oh my god. please be okay." I whispered as I walked towards the trees.

I looked to see Derek on what looked like a bear. Scott was pinning down the animals arm.

"No Derek you can't! I have to--" Scott yelled as Derek cut him off while whispering my name.

"Scarlett?" Derek looked confused.

I took a step foward from behind a tree. The wind picked up the dead leaves off the forest floor into the air as my hair was being blown.

"Stop. Don't come any closer. I don't want to hurt you." Derek said concerned.

"But you would never hurt me. Right?" I questioned. 

I was scared, and there was no way for me to hide it.

"Scarlett I know your scared, but trust me. Leave." Derek breathed through clenched teeth.

Derek redirected his attention to the thing he was on.  

I turned around and walked away.

"I trust you."

-Derek's P.O.V-

I looked down at the alpha under me.

"So, word in the forest is, your calling yourself the alpha." he growled underneath me.

"Who are you, and why did you lure me back to Beacon Hills?! I didn't want anything to do here after that house fire!" I yelled in his face.

The animal jabbed me in my side causing me to roll on the forest floor in pain.

"Scott. Run. This is my fight." I heavily breathed.

"But inorder for me to break the curse--" he started.

I cut him off. "Leave! Now!"


kkay, so this took me a really long time to type. i'm sorry I have an eagle watching over my shoulder, correcting me on what I "type." His name is Sam and you can find him in my book named "I'm In Love... With A Diver?" Read my new book! I love writing, or "typing" as Sam just corrected me, but, who even reads these anyways? ha. well, I hope I can update more often. Don't forget to vote :)

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